Оффлайн-турнир на версии HMM III Horn of the Abyss с реальными призами!


Таверна | Герои Меча и Магии 3 оффлайн

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Сэр Reanimator
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HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM III: Безземельный (1)
HoMM II: Император (33)
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 3416
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Оффлайн-турнир на версии HMM III Horn of the Abyss с реальными призами! Добавлено: 31.08.2015 21:52
Приветствуем вас, Герои Меча и Магии!
В это время, на исходе лета, мы хотим объявить о наступлении особого оффлайн-турнира по Героям III! Он будет проводиться с 1-ого по 30-ое сентября на HeroesPortal.net при поддержке компании "Мастенариум", которая создаёт эксклюзивные изделия по мотивам любимых игр, фильмов, сериалов.
Победителю в турнире достанется «Амулет Маны» (по мотивам игры «Герои меча и магии III»). Игрок, занявший 2-ое место, получит скидку 20% в магазине www.mastenarium.ru . Игрок, занявший 3-е место — скидку 10%.
Но и это еще не всё! Все участники турнира получают гарантированную скидку в 5% в магазине "Мастенариум" на время проведения турнира!

Также, ВСЕМ участникам турнира арроба и феоды от Портала Героев по Общим правилам.
С общими правилами проведения оффлайн-турнира вы можете ознакомиться здесь

Важным дополнительным условием к проведению турнира станет установка аддона Horn of the Abyss поверх вашей версии Героев III: Дыхание Смерти, который вы можете скачать по следующим ссылкам:
* Сайт HotA — download.h3hota.com/HotA_setup
* Яндекс — yadi.sk/d/K7M2y3G1imQ8i

Вы также должны быть зарегистрированы на HeroesPortal.net, чтобы Ваш ник попал на вечно в Зал Славы Портала Героев и получить дополнительные призы от Портала. Внутри игровую валюту Портала - «@» и земельные наделы – феоды.


Страница турнира: heroesportal.net/land/index.php?type=H3other

Изменено 1.09.2015 20:53 модератором Gorbik
Особый статус:
Грандмастер offline турнира "Земли Героев 2" 2010 год Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываБронзовый Спонсор Портала 2011
Грандмастер offline турнира "Земли Героев 2" 2011 годСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2012Главный Пропойца Таверны 2012
Мудрец таверны 2012Мастер турнира offline "Земли Героев 2" 2012 годМастер турнира online "Земли Героев 2" 2012 год
Серебряный Спонсор Портала 2013Главный Пропойца Таверны 2013Мудрец таверны 2013
Мастер турнира off-line "Земли Героев 2" 2013 годБывший магистрМудрец таверны 2014
Лучший магистр года 2014Мастер турнира offline "Земли Героев 2" 2014 годБронзовый Спонсор Портала 2015
Специалист турнира offline "Земли Героев 2" 2015 годЛегенда Земель Героев в 2015 годуГрандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 2" 2016 год
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Сэр elantris

HoMM III: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 18
Откуда: Польша

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 7.10.2015 13:39
Reanimator: Thanks!

Could someone explain me subject of "bonuses bought in the market!"? Some maps have this note, some haven't. What does it mean? What kind of bonuses? I want to play in offline tournament but I don't understand a couple of things.

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Сэр Reiter
+ + +

HoMM VI: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM III: Император (19)
Сообщения: 3621
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 7.10.2015 14:35
Сэр elantris, we have in mind bonuses bought here. They are applicable to only one tournament - this. Remaining tournaments are free bonuses, just download the save and play.
Особый статус:
Бывший магистрМастер турнира off-line "Земли Героев 6" 2014 годЛучший магистр года 2015
Мастер турнира offline "Земли Героев 3" 2016 годЛучший магистр года 2016
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Сэр elantris

HoMM III: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 18
Откуда: Польша

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 7.10.2015 14:47
Сэр Reiter, thanks for your answer. Now I understand this subject.

By the way, how often you organize tournaments with real prizes? Do you organize some online tourney's in Heroes III on the templates or maps in Arena's kind (duel between two players)? And which template and arena are most popular in your website?

Greetings! :)
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Сэр Ermelloth
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Безземельный
HoMM IV: Рыцарь
HoMM III: Граф (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 5821
Откуда: Израиль

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 8.10.2015 10:16
sir elantris, that depends on sponsorship.

This time it was sir bugyboy from wonderful artifact shop "Mastenarium", who kindly offered his patronage and allowed us to conduct the last HotA tournament. We hope there will be more happy occasions and events like this:)

About on-line - there is a whole separate forum section below dedicated to on-line gaming. You better ask on-line specialists there, since it's a totally different discipline with its own rules and Magisters running it.

Изменено 8.10.2015 10:16 пользователем Ermelloth
Особый статус:
МагистрДипломат Земель Героев  в 2003 годуЖурналист Земель Героев 2004 года
Легенда Земель Героев в 2006 годуЦензор КартЗолотой Спонсор Портала 2016
Длань Света
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Сэр Ermelloth
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Безземельный
HoMM IV: Рыцарь
HoMM III: Граф (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 5821
Откуда: Израиль

Цитировать ссылка Окончательные результаты турнира: Добавлено: 8.10.2015 20:54

Призы начислены.

Еще раз ВСЕМ спасибо за участие.

Ждём новых предложений: я готов работать над новым турниром в любое время.
Особый статус:
МагистрДипломат Земель Героев  в 2003 годуЖурналист Земель Героев 2004 года
Легенда Земель Героев в 2006 годуЦензор КартЗолотой Спонсор Портала 2016
Длань Света
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Сэр elantris

HoMM III: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 18
Откуда: Польша

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 13:31
I have one more question about tourney's like "Trade guild tourney" or "Landless tourney". Which version of game is accurate? Shadow of Death, yes?

In description of one map we can read: P.S. Don't forget to mention in the letter your nick, THE GAME'S VERSION, the tourney name and the map name.

Is it possible that some people play on the version A, and some people on the version B? Could you explain me this?


Изменено 9.10.2015 13:33 пользователем elantris
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Сэр phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM IV: Безземельный
HoMM III: Император (28)
HoMM II: Рыцарь (3)
HoMM I: Безземельный (1)
Сообщения: 5918
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 17:29
Сэр elantris,
The version of game for tournaments: "A tournament of trade guild", "the Tournament Landless", "A citadel of heroes" and others pass on the version - the Shadow of Death 3.2 or equivalent to it versions - platina 4.0, also on these versions it is possible to establish a patch of HD which doesn't make changes to mechanics of game, but adds more convenient interface, hotkeys and the order of the hero, thus it is necessary to remember that the option HD+ in fashion of HD is forbidden, as changing the mechanic of game.
Особый статус:
Мудрец таверны 2010Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2011
Мудрец таверны 2011Легенда Земель Героев в 2011 годуДуэлянт года 2015
Лидер общего рейтинга 2015Грандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годЛитератор года 2015
Мудрец таверны 2016Литератор года 2016
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Сэр Symphony Messes
+ + +
Symphony Messes

HoMM III: Герцог (35)
Сообщения: 2191
Откуда: Украина

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 18:18
"platina" - Complete (v 4.0).
Symphony Messes
Особый статус:
Цензор КартМастер турнира offline "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годГрандмастер offline турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2016 год
Легенда Земель Героев в 2016 годуЧемпион Третьих Земель – 20183-я Хоругвь Паладинов
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Сэр elantris

HoMM III: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 18
Откуда: Польша

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 19:11
Ok, and tell me, in tournaments "Landless", "Citadel" and "Trade guild" is time the first condition to win? I mean: Who has the less number of days win. And are there a next conditions (tie-breaker)? Statistics of hero? Gold?

Greetings! :)
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Сэр phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM IV: Безземельный
HoMM III: Император (28)
HoMM II: Рыцарь (3)
HoMM I: Безземельный (1)
Сообщения: 5918
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 19:36
Tournament Landless (in abbreviated form TB)
Only the residents of Lands of Heroes who don't have feuds at the time of the beginning of a tournament are allowed to participation in it. The saves sent by players are estimated with a priority of days, at equality of days the second criterion are the points added at a victory in the scenario. The tournament takes place without bonuses bought in the market. The main award is the feud; the quorum on its draw is determined by the general rules. In the absence of the quorum necessary for receiving the feud, the player who showed absolutely the best result not in one, and in two won-back tournaments (it isn't obligatory in a row), is awarded by the feud.

Tournament of Trade Guild (TTG)
All residents of Lands of Heroes of any rank can participate in it. The tournament takes place without bonuses bought in the market. Saves of participants of the Tournament of Trade Guild are estimated with a priority of the days spent for passing, in case of equality the gathered points are compared. In the third lands a priority are DAYS. The main award in the Tournament of Trade Guild are special artifacts.

Wild Earth tournament (DZ)
All residents of Lands of Heroes of any rank can participate in it. The tournament takes place without bonuses bought in the market. The main award is the feud; the quorum on its draw is determined by the general rules.
The essence of a tournament consists in development of the hero given on start (if other isn't specified in the description of a tournament) to a maximum level for a certain game term (each leader defines it independently for the version, usually, no more than one game month), i.e. a set of the greatest possible quantity of points of experience (XP) for an established period. As secondary criterion the sum of primary skills of the same hero without bonuses from the put-on artifacts acts. The card thus isn't required to be passed, and the hero in the sent save can have any level not below of the tournament which is specially stipulated by rules (this level can differ for tournaments according to different versions of Heroes).

Citadel of Heroes tournament (TsG)
All residents of Lands of Heroes of any rank can participate in it. The tournament takes place without bonuses bought in the market. The main award is the feud; the quorum on its draw is determined by the general rules.
Game is conducted on the "Sargon's system" (in honor of the master, the first our Portal which offered such system in tournaments) consisting in development of the hero given on start to the 25th level for the minimum game term (this level can differ for tournaments according to different versions of Heroes). The main criterion of an assessment in these tournaments is the number of days for which the 25th level was gained, in case of their equality - the sum of primary skills of the same hero without bonuses from the put-on artifacts. It isn't required to pass the card thus.
Особый статус:
Мудрец таверны 2010Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2011
Мудрец таверны 2011Легенда Земель Героев в 2011 годуДуэлянт года 2015
Лидер общего рейтинга 2015Грандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годЛитератор года 2015
Мудрец таверны 2016Литератор года 2016
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Сэр phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM IV: Безземельный
HoMM III: Император (28)
HoMM II: Рыцарь (3)
HoMM I: Безземельный (1)
Сообщения: 5918
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 19:38
Big Royal Games (RG)
Are carried out by Magistrate once a year and are the initial stage of all offline of tournaments in the Portal in the current year. Royal Games last eight weeks, for the period of their carrying out other main tournaments (TB, TTG, DZ, TsG and OT) are cancelled. Holding other (additional) tournaments is possible at this time, such decision is made to the discretion of their leaders. All registered residents of Lands of Heroes of any rank can participate in a tournament. Royal Games take place without bonuses bought in the market.
The main feature of Royal Games is that the player himself creates for himself starting save on the basis of the specified card.
When summing up Royal Games players are grouped in the five in date of a prisylka of final saves (i.e. the first five saves will make the first five, following them - the second five and so on; the last five can be incomplete, in it there can be even one save). In each five players are estimated by number of the spent days, and at their equality - in the number of points scored.

General Tournament (GT)
Is the only thing from the main tournaments in which the property which is owned by the inhabitant is used. If the inhabitant has no property, he can also participate in this tournament, having downloaded the general starting save. If the inhabitant has a property, within 7-10 days he will receive by e-mail nominal (personal property) starting save, but also in this case he has the right to play a tournament from the general save. After opening of a tournament and until "a property cut" and removal of a tax the player can buy in addition the property interesting him in the market or at other players or lease it at inhabitants. Also in this tournament the player can apply unique artifacts! Addition of property in save is assessed with a tax which sum can be seen in the section of the respective lands after allocation of the used property. The inhabitant not necessarily has to have all sum on the account. In case of a lack of means after removal of the tax "joint account" of the player "will go to minus" and there will be a cloud of unsigned anger which will disappear at once after account replenishment.
All registered residents of Lands of Heroes of any rank can participate in the General tournament. Mines and feuds – by the general rules are played.
The saves sent by players are estimated with a priority of days, at equality of days the second criterion are the points added at a victory in the scenario (an exception are the earth of heroes 3 where saves are estimated with a priority of points, at equality of points the second criterion are days).
Особый статус:
Мудрец таверны 2010Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2011
Мудрец таверны 2011Легенда Земель Героев в 2011 годуДуэлянт года 2015
Лидер общего рейтинга 2015Грандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годЛитератор года 2015
Мудрец таверны 2016Литератор года 2016
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Сэр phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM IV: Безземельный
HoMM III: Император (28)
HoMM II: Рыцарь (3)
HoMM I: Безземельный (1)
Сообщения: 5918
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 19:58
"Tournament of Naturalists"
The main objective of this tournament is collecting the set beings thus there are at least 2 kinds of this tournament: when the first criterion is the quantity of collected beings for concrete number of days or when the first criterion yavltsya number of days for collecting concrete number of beings. In this tournament of the rule of rather brought together monsters, the first and second criteria are set by the leader and every time can be different.
"Knightly campaign" (RP)
The joint tournament of several resources the main criterion in it is number of the spent days, the second - the sum of parameters of certain or any hero taking into account the put-on artifacts
"Championship of continents" (ChK)
Command tournament. Once a year is carried out. For this tournament the leader selects some cards and sets for everyone different conditions of a victory. The registered teams of players pass these cards (and in this tournament discussion of cards and a tournament in team and joint game on them is authorized). Her captain otpravlt the best results of team to the leader (also players can send). That team which will gather a large sum of points wins (will receive more high places).
The table of the received points it is dependent on a place in the 3rd heroes looks so:
For 3 lands
Place - Points
1 - 16
2 - 12
3 - 9
4 - 7
5 - 6
6 - 5
7 - 4
8 - 3
9 - 2
10 - 1

Изменено 9.10.2015 20:02 пользователем phenix
Особый статус:
Мудрец таверны 2010Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2011
Мудрец таверны 2011Легенда Земель Героев в 2011 годуДуэлянт года 2015
Лидер общего рейтинга 2015Грандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годЛитератор года 2015
Мудрец таверны 2016Литератор года 2016
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Сэр elantris

HoMM III: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM II: Безземельный
HoMM I: Безземельный
Сообщения: 18
Откуда: Польша

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 20:21
About Landless:

"Only the residents of Lands of Heroes who don't have feuds at the time of the beginning of a tournament are allowed to participation in it."

What does mean "Feuds" on this website? I played one tournament on HeroesPortal, can I participate in Landless tourney?

"second criterion are the points added at a victory in the scenario."

Points which we gain after winning scenario?

About Trade Guild:

"Saves of participants of the Tournament of Trade Guild are estimated with a priority of the days spent for passing, in case of equality the gathered points are compared. In the third lands a priority are DAYS."

I don't understand this. Are days first and third condition?

About Citadel of Heroes:

So I have to develop my hero to 25th level as fast as possible?

Sorry for my numerous questions, guys!
Анкета История героя ЛС E-mail
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Сэр phenix
+ + +

HoMM VI: Безземельный
HoMM V: Рыцарь (1)
HoMM IV: Безземельный
HoMM III: Император (28)
HoMM II: Рыцарь (3)
HoMM I: Безземельный (1)
Сообщения: 5918
Откуда: Россия

Цитировать ссылка Добавлено: 9.10.2015 21:34
Сэр elantris, 9.10.2015 20:21
What does mean "Feuds" on this website? I played one tournament on HeroesPortal, can I participate in Landless tourney?
feuds (allotments) are received by the players who took in last tournament a good place concerning number of participants. The feud (allotment) defines your rank in the concrete version of heroes (lands).
In your case - you have to receive the feud (allotment) for a tournament in which participated recently, but all of you equally can play in the tournament opened now landless because it was open before charge in a tournament for which to you have to add the feud (allotment). In the following tournament landless you can't already play in principle.
By the way, the feud (allotment) to you is still not added for the reason that you didn't choose the an image in 3 heroes. You should choose the monster to whom you are closer, what role is more interesting to you. it can be done here - heroesportal.net/user.php?type=lands&lang=english
Сэр elantris, 9.10.2015 20:21
"second criterion are the points added at a victory in the scenario."
Points which we gain after winning scenario?
Sir elantris, 9.10.2015 20:21
About Trade Guild:
the first criterion - days
the second criterion - points
Sir elantris, 9.10.2015 20:21
About Citadel of Heroes:

So I have to develop my hero to 25th level as fast as possible?

Sorry for my numerous questions, guys!
yes! the first criterion - days

Изменено 9.10.2015 21:40 пользователем phenix
Особый статус:
Мудрец таверны 2010Рыцарь Круглого Стола 10 созываСеребряный Спонсор Портала 2011
Мудрец таверны 2011Легенда Земель Героев в 2011 годуДуэлянт года 2015
Лидер общего рейтинга 2015Грандмастер off-line турнира "Земли Героев 3" 2015 годЛитератор года 2015
Мудрец таверны 2016Литератор года 2016
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Таверна | Герои Меча и Магии 3 оффлайн