Sir Dmytro was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in September 2024 He answered 132 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 727 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in September as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 6 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in August 2024 He answered 26 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 130 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in August as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 1 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in July 2024 He answered 15 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 90 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above .
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in June 2024 He answered 20 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 105 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in June as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 3 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above .
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in May 2024 He answered 28 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 140 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in May as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 5 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above .
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in April 2024 He answered 72 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 377 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in April as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 2 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above .
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in March 2024 He answered 128 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 714 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in March as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 12 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above .
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in February 2024 He answered 317 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 1811 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in February as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 13 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Sir Dmytro was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in January 2024 He answered 89 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 495 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in January as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 10 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Here you can find out who and for what merit did not receive the special status “Sage of the Tavern 2023”. It goes to Sir Mullich. It was he who in 2023, guessed the most questions 710 and earned 3917 @,
“The main Drunkard of the Taverny in 2023”, became Sir Dmytro, he spent most of the arroba (255 @) on treating friends in our "BAR - chat"
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in December 2023 He answered 22 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 130 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in December as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 68 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Thank you for staying with us and playing good old Heroes Might & Magic®!
New maps and companies for any version of this game are waiting for you here.
And new tournaments here.
Happy holidays! We wish you goodness and prosperity!
Don't forget to pick up your gifts in the lock form (from 01/01/2024 to 01/14/2024)
Write what you received here.
And happy New Year to you!
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in November 2023 He answered 13 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 85 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in November as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 60 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in October 2023 He answered 86 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 488 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in October as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 41 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn // spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above
Today buttons have been added to our telegram channel. By the way, the presenters of this channel are needed. ;-) Write @SergeyGorbaniov
In “Tavern” we also have changes, changes in the form of publishing messages in topics. And there are some nice little changes ;-)