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Lady Ara

After having a nice rest evening in the Tavern, manticore stretched herself sweetly and went out. Outside was calm and beautiful; snow was falling and softly covering the earth. The noise of full hall had been left behind the door of the Tavern and lady was enjoying silence. Somewhere over there a big clock struck the midnight. A little part of snow fell down the tree directly onto the manticore's back, she shook herself and went on her walk, stepping accurately among the trees. Suddenly, she heard strange noise, which was coming from the Magistrate's side. As lady had that evening free and it was rather early to go to bed, she decided to have a walk to the Magistrate and see, what could...

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Lady Ara
The New Year Spirit

Little scorpicore entered the door of tavern. She was full of desire to have a little rest and to hear something interesting. But it was enough to glance at creatures in the tavern to understand, that having a rest was unreal. All citizens were too excited, and the air was full of chatters. Forgot about silly thoughts (“having a rest”; ha! it's not for me), scorpicore sat in the corner, and start listening, trying to understand what was the matter. Suddenly, loud noise was resounded and made all visitors silent. Sir Silver Lynx threw a big box to the centre of the hall and asked in trembling voice: “A bomb?”. Really, beautiful, wrapped into the sparkling paper and corded with chain box...

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Sir Gorbik

A bluish-skinned lizard and a bearded dwarf dialogued loudly in the tavern at the table near the window. But suddenly the dwarf interrupted conversation and looked out of the window.  It was sleeting in the twilight outside. In gathering December dusk two silhouettes, a big black dragon and a small green orc, could be made out; both of them were dressed in green colours of the magistrate of HeroesLands and behind them there were carts covered by hay. The dwarf lent his ear and heard scraps of conversation through the tavern din. The Orc shouted "Sir Pool! I asked you to find presents for New Year! And what did you drag in the Capital of HeroesLands?" In reply the irritated black...

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Lady Ara
Foreign news. The engagement on Russian Portal

I opened the door of Tavern a bit trembling. It was my first visit of a big party not like just a guest but like a journalist. Can you imagine a scorpicore playing a journalist? But when I entered… all my fears were forgotten, and I stood still admiringly. In honour of engagement Tavern was cleaned and decorated with a lot of flowers and other wonderful things. Candles were burning all around and carved tables were served with garnet services. The air was full of different smells, not only of flowers and candles but also of grilled meat, baked vegetables, roasted chickens and quails, and other presents of cooks. And in the middle there was a place left for dance. And beautiful Dragoness...

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Sir Gorbik

The shining sun of summer afternoon shed its light upon mantis, orc and black dragon, standing near the main gate of the Capital of HeroesLands. All three wore light summer cloaks, embroidered with gold, what indicated their belonging to Magisters of those Lands. As you have probably figured out, these were sir Gorbik, the shortish orc –  director of the project and also the supreme magister of HeroesLands, sir Sombreus, the big, green mantis-shapeshifter, who liked to turn into a Scorpicore while travelling in HeroesLands 3 – head designer of HeroesPortal and the head of Merchants' Guild, and sir Pool, the young black dragon – main programmer of...

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Sir Gorbik

The moat around the fortifications of the Capital of the Lands of Heroes was covered by ice. The snow fell from the gray winter sky. Small orc on the huge black wolf has crossed a drawbridge and appeared in the quarter of nobility and knighthood. “The amount of buildings here has increased” – thought Orc while examining the architecture. He smiled. Indeed, the amount of the registered inhabitants in the Lands of Heroes already exceeds three thousand, and although not all of them live in Capital, usually about 150 persons participate in battle events of each General tournament in the Lands of Heroes ( When he crossed the inhabited quarters, he noticed a big...

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Sir Kirinyale
Monkey blues coming up!

The year is coming to and end, once again separating the past and the future, the history and the dreams… so get ready - the Blue Monkey is coming! So, coming back to the recent events… Lady Tonika, having made her proposal to the boldest knights of the Lands, didn’t happen to be seen anywhere around here for quite some time. But it was not the end of all that cursing-stories…This time, the famous crusader, Magister Sargon, got himself into trouble. After drinking some good elven wine in a nice and friendly company in the Tavern, he decided to get into an adventure… well, he succeded – his encounter with a mage (whose name and person is absolutely unknown) resulted in a dreadful curse...

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Sir Kirinyale
Battles And Feasts

The second CH tournament is over. It looks like we have a new tradition here – holding special tournaments for inhabitants of the English-speaking part of the Lands. A very promising tradition, I might say… If all goes on as it is, the ranks of chivalry in these parts would quickly become vast and prosperous, and we won’t have to wait for too long for our first Baron! Glory to our valiant warriors! A few days ago, lady-Naga, Tarna Saldeiska, made a proposal to hold a party in the Tavern to celebrate the finishing of the CH Tournament. There wasn’t much comments yet, but it sure would be an excellent idea to organize a big holiday for all our inhabitants. Aside from just having...

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Sir Kirinyale
The Caterwauling

Flying over misty moors, Golden Dragon deeply sighed. What a thunderstorm occurred, Not at all a pretty sight! Tiger growling, showing paws, Orc with mace in mighty hand... “Everybody! Cease it! YAWP!” Damn... Who wants to kill the Lands?.. Shaking oaks at Chaosville Whisper to the strangers: “Why? What for? If you don’t feel Like living here – who will care?” A bony lich rushes up and screams: “No! Listen, you! Don’t scowl! We’re dying, dont’cha see?” But no response, and only owls Are hooting in the dark... This argument must cease! Or else we’ll need a Noah’s Ark... Calm down, people! Please! The dragon rose then to the black, And...

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Sir Kirinyale
A stormy autumn it might be...

The hot summer is long over. But life in the Heroes Lands continues on it’s own, despite all odds. And the English-speaking part is finally beginning to gain it’s strength – we’re glad to announce that a first knight has emerged there at last! Sir Faenad, having taken the third place in the last Landless Tourney at Heroes Lands IV, have received himself a well-earned feud. So, let’s hope he will keep it up! Also, the second CH tourney is open. For those who doesn’t know yet, I shall remind that it’s a special tourney for non-russian-speakers only. So, it’s a very good opportunity for our landless inhabitants to join the ranks of our Knighthood along with sir Faenad. Good luck, sirs and...

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Sir Wiedzmin
The season of duels is opened!!

The summer comes to an end and many Knights come back from their crusades…  But not all of them do! Well…I declare the season of duels opened! All started from the fast-spreading news about the possibility of a duel between the Lords Rafael and Lazar. It might have been a great event unless something had stopped the duelists (probably the Lords are too busy with ruling and restoring their multiple castles), so the Armageddon-scale duel is probably postponed to indeterminate date. However, another duels have quickly been arranged instead of that one. Ex-Baron Lelik and ex-Knight Deep (nowadays Knight Lelik and Baron Deep) simply decided … to bite one another, but it still wasn’t the...

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Sir Wiedzmin
Hail to the most patient!!!

The sun haven’t arose yet above the horizon when a new – oh no! – Landless knight burst into the Tavern… Why?? Of course – in order to ask ridiculous or inappropriate question, opening a new theme especially for that. Most of newcomers commit this mistake (I’ve experienced it myself). The problem is that the main page doesn’t bear the link to Rules section, however the link that attracts the newcomers so much – to Tavern - is present.  And what are the rules? Who needs them? Come to Tavern and ask something (and rid of the annoying zero in Messages field) – other visitors will reply to you…or they won’t??  Here…the newcomer has just appeared in the Tavern, but ????????? and...

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Sir Gor
Rainy Summer

History knows cases when a tsar or a king was nicknamed for his actions as, for example, Iziaslav Charadzei (Polotsk principality), Ivan the Terrible (Moscow principality), Richard Lion's heart (English kingdom). No wizard could foresee rainy summer for some inhabitants. At first clouds thickened above a pirate who had doubted skill of the merchant guild, but what is a small storm for an old sea-dog. Baron Sinoptik barely went through the thunder-storm as after a rough night the sky became darker for a landless elf. Then the same lot overtook Sir LESSONS OF EVIL who had taken a vow of silence which was broken in the following morning, and, at last, Sir Wizd with Dart Vader (who...

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Lady Airmage
Happy time is not observed...

The results of the first tourney in the history of Lands were sumed up where artefacts influencing the final result but not passing were played. This tourney is merchand Guild one. The winners obtained artefacts which they can use one time to reduce a number of days of passing. We congratulate the winners: Heroes 3: The first place and "Clock of gold-dust" - Sir Sid The second place and "Clock of silver-dust" - Sir Lazar The third place and "Clock of bronze-dust" - Sir Dangerous Heroes 4: The first place and "Clock of gold-dust" - Sir Lummox The second place and "Clock of silver-dust" - Sir deep The third place and "Clock of bronze-dust" - Sir Zigfried Four prize-winners have...

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Lady Airmage
Reports from the Lands

The fresh wind that has recently started to blow in the Lands appeared to be the wind of changes that the local inhabitants have just begun to feel. The knights started to use their swords more frequently, and as a result the two very interesting duels are about to take place. The long queue to the hayloft of Lich has finally started to move from the death point and the Pirate has managed to offend Minotaur. The rivals probably decided to find out which one of them actually won the second place in the major league competition of the last Tourney. At the same time the authorities began to take decisive measures against some dishonest dwellers – especially against those whose appearance...

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