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Tavern | Герои Меча и Магии 2 онлайн

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Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

Crag Hack (Blue, Warlock, Barbarian, Host) def Lovelass (Green, Necroman, Necroman) 145, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 26.01.2006 01:45
Карта: Unknown

Не успел развернутся в своих земел ,когда Сэр CragHack уже начал экспанзию .Неожиданно для меня нет ,но для него был самый удачний момент .Захватив все ресурсы ,он прогулялся по моих земель и пришел погледеть в замке где я, почему не вылезаю ему на всречу.
А что мне делать ,оракле показал мне его войско и я спрятался в замке капить свое, так как некуда было идты .Остальное всем ясно.

Получено рейтинга: 0+0.2=0.2
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

bodya (Red, Sorceress, Sorceress, Host) def Lovelass (Blue, Wizard, Barbarian) 144, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 28.01.2006 18:29
Карта: Unknown

Хорошенкая ,малая ,приятная для турнира карта.

Получено рейтинга: 0.2+0.2=0.4
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

Incubus (Blue, Warlock, Warlock, Host) def Lovelass (Orange, Necroman, Necroman) 312, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 5.02.2006 07:19
Карта: Unknown


Получено рейтинга: 0.4+0.2=0.6
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

Xedin (Red, Necroman, Necroman, Host) def Lovelass (Blue, Barbarian, Barbarian) 236, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 19.02.2006 07:07
Карта: Unknown


Надо отметить ,что при игре с Сэр Xedin ,игра не показала ни одной ошибки и вылетов Вообще небыли.Самая гладкая игра ,которой играль он-лайн.У меня НММ2 Gold 2.1 английская/не с лиги ,и не с анкети -Сэр Grandfather.

Получено рейтинга: 0.6+0.2=0.8
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

szura (Yellow, Necroman, Necroman, Host) def Lovelass (Red, Barbarian, Barbarian) 447, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 19.02.2006 21:59
Карта: Unknown


Предлагаю:1. Внести в правилах турнира-что копать можно только когда паззл открыт целиком, посещены все обелиски и виден “X”.Если карты будут болшие L,XL и предлагають возможность бежать по ним,то это понадобится.

Получено рейтинга: 0.8+0.2=1
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

kleo (Blue, Sorceress, Sorceress, Host) def Lovelass (Green, Necroman, Necroman) 136, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 22.02.2006 19:31
Карта: Unknown


Получено рейтинга: 1+0.2=1.2
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail
Sir Lovelass
+ + + +

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince
HoMM I: Prince
Messages: 852
From: Bulgaria

Lovelass (Blue, Sorceress, Barbarian, Host) == Kama (Green, Barbarian, Barbarian) 222, Price of Loyalty v. 2.1 link Added: 25.02.2006 06:53
Карта: Unknown

Карта размером L .Територии опонентов разположены в два противоположных углах карты.Между ними моря.Земли связаны между собой с два прохода .С моей стороны проходы охранялись зеленным драконом.
Вначале второй недели ,второго месеца у меня были отстроени замок -sorceress включая еднорогов ; замок-warlock с красными драконов 3 штук ,а другие 4 зеленых с главного героя обхаживали територию.Также было захвачено и селении -wizard.
Через два дня мои драконы стали бы черным.
Карта давала возможност опонентов после пробития проходов бежать друг от друга ,по разным проходов и менят замками.
Поэтому ,когда Сэр Kama предложиль меня -НИЧЬИЯ - Я согласился.При этом и выяснили что в обе територии отстроены замки -Драконов.
Special status:
MagisterSpecialist of online tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2008
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2012Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2016Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2017
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Master offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2018Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2019
Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Main Tavern Drunkard 2020Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 2" in 2021The Black Schooner
Profile Hero history PM E-mail

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Tavern | Герои Меча и Магии 2 онлайн