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Sir Saint Fox
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Saint Fox

HoMM VI: Baron (3)
HoMM V: Knight (1)
HoMM IV: Knight (2)
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Prince (11)
HoMM I: Knight (1)
Messages: 909
From: Unknown

Quote link Added: 5.11.2006 17:44
Будь здоров вило... тфу... остроухий ;) А долголетия желать эльфам как-то у нас не принято =)
Saint Fox
Special status:
Knight of the Round Table of the 5 convocationKnight of the Round Table of the 6 convocationMarried Saint Fox & Saint Ishtar
Knight of the Round Table of the 10 convocationSpecialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands6" in 2012Grand master of-online tournament "HeroesLands 6" in 2013
Specialist off-line tournament "HeroesLands 4" in 2014Successors of Anduran
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