День рождение очаровательной феички!

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Sir Skip

HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Knight (2)
HoMM I: Landless
Messages: 400
From: Ukraine

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 00:25
Поздравляю всех благ желаю. flirt
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Lady Ash

HoMM III: Duchess (8)
Messages: 880
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 03:02
С Днем рождения :)

Пусть поклонники дарят шоколадки, а противники обкидывают ими biglol Всего тебе  guitar
Special status:
Knight of the Round Table of the 5 convocationKnight of the Round Table of the 6 convocationFormer Magister
The Masters of Elemental Forces
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Sir Sub-Zero
+ +

HoMM III: Emperor (27)
HoMM I: Emperor (68)
Messages: 7072
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 07:18
Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям!  congratulation
Special status:
MagisterMaster of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2006Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2007
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2008The best master's degree of year 2009The best master's degree of year 2010
Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2011Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2015Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2016
Master offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2017Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2018Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2019
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2020Winner offline tournaments overall rating in 2020Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 1" in 2021
Grand master of off-line tournament "HeroesLands 3" in 2021
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Sir TIBorg
+ + + + +

HoMM V: Landless
HoMM III: Marquis (10)
Messages: 250
From: Ukraine

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 07:42
Всего наилутшего. flirt congratulation cake elefant birthday
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Dragons of Probability
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Sir EVSey

HoMM III: Baron (8)
HoMM II: Landless
Messages: 308
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 07:54
Самую быструю находчивую и отзывчивую МегаПиксю с праздником 8))).
Пусяй твои тропинки ведут по жизни все больше к цветочным полянкам, да пасекам с правильными пчелками...

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The Guardians of the Last Time
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Sir Super Grover
+ + + +
Super Grover

HoMM V: Landless
HoMM IV: Duke (8)
HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Landless (1)
Messages: 724
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 08:03
Поздравляю!!!!! beer guitar beer guitar beer guitar cake cake cake
Super Grover
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Sir Leosan

HoMM IV: Knight (2)
HoMM III: Knight (4)
HoMM II: Duke (16)
HoMM I: Knight (1)
Messages: 1986
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 10:50
Поздравляю Малышунюcongratulation
Всего наилучшего guitar
Special status:
Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2006Grand master of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2006Master of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2005
Author of the best singleplayer map for HMM2 (2006)Journalist of "HeroesLands" in 2005Knight of the Round Table of the 8 convocation
Specialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands1" in 2007Cenzor maps
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Sir hobgoblin

HoMM III: Knight (3)
Messages: 329
From: Honduras

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 11:24
ПоздравляЮ герЦогинЮ мАлышУньскУю с днЁм варЕнья и шОколАдОК!!!
Special status:
Phantoms of war
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Sir Brennan

HoMM III: Landless
HoMM II: Count (6)
Messages: 680
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 11:56
Поздравляю лучшую и самую маленькую Леди-воина Земель Геройских с днем всяких сладостей!
Special status:
Knight of the Round Table of the 8 convocationSpecialist of offline tournament "HeroesLands2" in 2007Former Magister
Sparkles in the Night
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Sir Ermelloth
+ + +

HoMM VI: Landless
HoMM V: Landless
HoMM IV: Knight
HoMM III: Count (1)
HoMM II: Landless
HoMM I: Landless
Messages: 5819
From: Israel

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 13:25
Мои поздравления, леди:)
Special status:
MagisterDiplomatist of "HeroesLands" in 2003Journalist of "HeroesLands" in 2004
Legend of "HeroesLands" in 2006Cenzor mapsGold Sponsor Portal 2016
Hand of Light
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Sir Roderik

HoMM IV: Landless
HoMM III: Knight (1)
HoMM II: Landless
Messages: 431
From: Russian Federation

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 13:55
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Sir MaRGee

HoMM V: Landless
HoMM III: Landless
Messages: 248
From: Belarus

Quote link Added: 18.09.2006 14:32
Мои поздравления! congratulation
Ну и по такому случаю не мог не испечь фирменный тортик (шоколадный) cake
..И эльф скромно поставил на столик тако-о-ой маленький тортик, метр в диаметре
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