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Lady Ara
The New Year Spirit

Little scorpicore entered the door of tavern. She was full of desire to have a little rest and to hear something interesting. But it was enough to glance at creatures in the tavern to understand, that having a rest was unreal. All citizens were too excited, and the air was full of chatters. Forgot about silly thoughts (“having a rest”; ha! it's not for me), scorpicore sat in the corner, and start listening, trying to understand what was the matter. Suddenly, loud noise was resounded and made all visitors silent. Sir Silver Lynx threw a big box to the centre of the hall and asked in trembling voice: “A bomb?”. Really, beautiful, wrapped into the sparkling paper and corded with chain box...

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Sir Gorbik

A bluish-skinned lizard and a bearded dwarf dialogued loudly in the tavern at the table near the window. But suddenly the dwarf interrupted conversation and looked out of the window.  It was sleeting in the twilight outside. In gathering December dusk two silhouettes, a big black dragon and a small green orc, could be made out; both of them were dressed in green colours of the magistrate of HeroesLands and behind them there were carts covered by hay. The dwarf lent his ear and heard scraps of conversation through the tavern din. The Orc shouted "Sir Pool! I asked you to find presents for New Year! And what did you drag in the Capital of HeroesLands?" In reply the irritated black...

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Lady Ara
Foreign news. The engagement on Russian Portal

I opened the door of Tavern a bit trembling. It was my first visit of a big party not like just a guest but like a journalist. Can you imagine a scorpicore playing a journalist? But when I entered… all my fears were forgotten, and I stood still admiringly. In honour of engagement Tavern was cleaned and decorated with a lot of flowers and other wonderful things. Candles were burning all around and carved tables were served with garnet services. The air was full of different smells, not only of flowers and candles but also of grilled meat, baked vegetables, roasted chickens and quails, and other presents of cooks. And in the middle there was a place left for dance. And beautiful Dragoness...

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Sir Gorbik

The shining sun of summer afternoon shed its light upon mantis, orc and black dragon, standing near the main gate of the Capital of HeroesLands. All three wore light summer cloaks, embroidered with gold, what indicated their belonging to Magisters of those Lands. As you have probably figured out, these were sir Gorbik, the shortish orc –  director of the project and also the supreme magister of HeroesLands, sir Sombreus, the big, green mantis-shapeshifter, who liked to turn into a Scorpicore while travelling in HeroesLands 3 – head designer of HeroesPortal and the head of Merchants' Guild, and sir Pool, the young black dragon – main programmer of...

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Sir Gorbik

The moat around the fortifications of the Capital of the Lands of Heroes was covered by ice. The snow fell from the gray winter sky. Small orc on the huge black wolf has crossed a drawbridge and appeared in the quarter of nobility and knighthood. “The amount of buildings here has increased” – thought Orc while examining the architecture. He smiled. Indeed, the amount of the registered inhabitants in the Lands of Heroes already exceeds three thousand, and although not all of them live in Capital, usually about 150 persons participate in battle events of each General tournament in the Lands of Heroes ( When he crossed the inhabited quarters, he noticed a big...

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