Alexandra The Great
- Size
- XL
- Author
- Mike Johnson
- Humans
- 1
- Language
- English
- Teams
- 0
- Comments
- 5
- Players
- 6
- Downloads
- 38485
- Published date of map
- 30.06.2003
- Country of author
- Like / Don't like
- 36 / 10
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Alexandra has followed in her father's footsteps. Extremely ambitious, she is always trying to expand the empire she inherited. She has prepared long and hard for this expedition, her last according to her seers....
Was left 14.01.2005 00:12 (607) Guest
Hey, can you please help me with Alexandra the great map? I'm instantly cilled as soon as I try to moove my hero in the boat. Surley this is not the intation?
Was left 30.12.2004 20:33 (606) Guest
No doubt: the best HoMM IV-map of the year 2004. Perhaps the best of alle HoMM IV-maps
Ad van Kempen,
Was left 04.12.2020 22:41 (6844) Deemon72
Thanks for the author for the great work! I like the story and all those nice english proverbs I have to look up later. Main problem for me was to locate the golden stones - they are hidden and very difficult to find. After having couple of grandmasters in order magic it was really easy to level up attacking pirate ships. And you have to flee at the very beginning (small hint to start). Thanks again!