The_Falcon_of_Victory v1.5
- Size
- M
- Author
- Dark Elf
- Humans
- 1
- Language
- Russian
- Teams
- 0
- Comments
- 1
- Players
- 1
- Downloads
- 3477
- Published date of map
- 28.06.2003
- Country of author
- Russian Federation
- Like / Don't like
- 2 / 0
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"Falcon of Victory" is an RPG script. This map, like all my work, is connected with the world of Hemsdall. Myrliad is a falcon-shaped island located between Drainor and Alboz, south of Ergamond. The sorcerer Daretsius Khalfaz, one of the seven magicians who created a new world at the site of the death of the old one, fleeing from the god of chaos Khorne (also a notorious person, by the way) fled to East Myrliad. Having settled there a little, he, with the help of Lord Jaxter, staged a revolution, killed Queen Amarliya Eviolker and all her relatives. Prince Gorasul locked himself in the tower, but Halfaz pulled him out and handed him over to the orcs. The prince conjured a weapon for himself and went to roam the dungeons, while the coup was being completed in Myrliad...
Was left 08.07.2004 14:18 (505) Guest
Эта моя первая и последняя работа с редактором HoMM 4. Создавался данный сценарии ещё в сентябре 2002.
Большая просьба не обращать внимание на сценарий - я принял решение, что данное ответвление от основной истории Хемсдалля не имеет смысла.