The War of Endless Live

- Size
- M
- Author
- Dark Sergeant
- Humans
- 2
- Language
- Russian
- Teams
- 3
- Comments
- no (leave a comment)
- Players
- 5
- Downloads
- 5161
- Published date of map
- 16.02.2003
- Country of author
- Russian Federation
- Like / Don't like
- 2 / 0

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In times so old that not a single giving has preserved their memory, a then young tribe of people wandered into a deep cave, trying to hide from rain and cold. What they met there struck them all to the core, and they left it no longer as a simple tribe, but as people who know their destiny. They met there the Great Dragon who kept this world. He made many marvelous speeches, but when he asked why people live, only one dared to answer. He replied that by accumulating knowledge from generation to generation, people strive to make the world a better, more perfect place. And then the Dragon told them that all the efforts of people will come to naught if the last battle of this world is accomplished, which will change it forever. He inspired people that this battle should not be allowed, but years passed and everyone began to consider this story just a fairy tale. People went to new lands, and elves settled in the forests that surrounded the Dragon's caves. They did not forget his words, and always tried to keep the balance of their world.
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