All for One HoF
- Size
- M
- Author
- Neckie
- Humans
- 2
- Language
- English
- Teams
- 0
- Comments
- no (leave a comment)
- Players
- 3
- Downloads
- 6173
- Published date of map
- 22.03.2007
- Country of author
- Canada
- Like / Don't like
- 6 / 3
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Three life-long friends become enemies when each inherits a portion of the kingdom following the King's death. You must show your former friends how to rule... through conquest.
Additional Info: Updated!! Here is a list of Changes:
- Added many AIAttractors in the script so that the AI doesn't waste turns visiting the new buildings
- Added the University building
- Fixed some (and hopefully all) flying snow trees in the northern region of the map
- Fixed the Banks scripts
- Added Colors to the texts (to highlight the most important things)
- Fixed text files to remove some (and hopefully all) error
- Fixed the Banks regeneration script
- Replaced many minor artefact to major (some major-> relic) in order to add some variety to the artefact pool
- Other minor changes I can't think of
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