Simply So
- Size
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- Author
- Hvost dTail
- Humans
- 1
- Language
- English
- Teams
- 0
- Comments
- no (leave a comment)
- Players
- 3
- Downloads
- 3664
- Published date of map
- 09.08.2005
- Country of author
- Russian Federation
- Like / Don't like
- 0 / 0
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Probably, it becomes interesting, that has forced me, landless, will be directed to help the neighbours. The answer is simple - "Simply so"
От автора: все пять жителей Земель (не считая меня), чьи имена использованы в сюжете и чьи личности используются героями, дали разрешение на использование своего имени в моих картах и кампаниях.
The opinion of the censor 14.08.2005 10:04 Talarasha
(Sorry for my English)
At once is evident monotony of type of a surface. The relief also does not abound with a variety - the areas forced by objects successfully alternate with huge, inexcusable heathlands. Also it would be desirable to take an interest at the author - where it saw such square rivers? Author must will work, work and work! An estimation - 5/10.
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