Central Conflict

- Size
- XL
- Author
- Laesamajestas
- Humans
- 4
- Language
- English
- Teams
- 0
- Comments
- 3
- Players
- 4
- Downloads
- 20797
- Published date of map
- 12.03.2005
- Country of author
- Like / Don't like
- 10 / 2

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An evil wizard has taken over the world. He has reshaped the world into four very different sections and ordered you to fight for his own amusement. Resouces are very unbalanced- each player has access to a great deal of some and almost none of others. Each area has unique strengths. I included an entire underground area as an accessory to the map.
Was left 31.03.2005 23:32 (1194) Guest
Карта, просто бред, не в обиду будь сказано...
Слишком по глупому расположены прокачки,
ужасное подземелье, к тому же такое распределение всяких мелочевых объектов только очень ленивый человек мог сделать.
Извините, что не по-английски.
Недвига Дмитрий (настоящее имя)
Was left 28.05.2013 15:04 (1196) oryginalskin
I played it and enjoyed it. I recommend playing it in difficult or expert mode, as normal mode is too easy (especially in the castle/rampart towns).