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Maps have been added

We inform you that portal admin on adding maps have been made. Now your maps will appear on our site more quickly than it was before. The next maps have been added today: Alternative World (H3RE-L), Good & Evil_II (H3SD-XL), Good & Evil_III (H3SD-XL), The last day of death (H3SD-M). As usual, you can find them out in the section New maps

New maps have been added

Several maps have been added after a pause. We have also renewed the maps Keep Hope Alive from the section H4GS-M and Conquest Of Paradise from H3SD-XL. The map Brian's Revenge has been renewed, it is placed in the section H4GS-S. The campaign Raid on Inferno from H3SD-C has also been renewed. You can find out new maps got this week in the section new maps

Our off-line tourney goes on

We continue our off-line tourney. Today new tourneys are open in HeroesLands

The Hall of glory has been renewed today

After the enforced pause caused by host changing, we are glad to welcome you on our Portal! The Hall of glory has been renewed by the last off-line tourney in HeroesLands 3 and in HeroesLands 4

The change of Portal hosting

We are changing hosting for a better access to the Portal. Sorry for some inconveniences, the problem will be soon solved. Team

The thousandth registration on the Portal!

There is a festive event on the portal, the thousandth inhabitant of HeroesLands has registered! Congratulations to "LESSONS OF EVIL", the Portal team wishes him success on tourneys. Celebrate this event with us in the Tavern.

The jubilee map author is rewarded

The jubilee map author (Max Apes from Russia) is rewarded for the thousandth map (Unknown Lands) which we have put on our Portal. We thank the author that he has chosen out map catalogue and we send him a honorary map author's diploma. Later you'll see the report about it in the section "Portal events".

New maps have been added

Last week we got a lot of letters after our dispatch with an invitation to put the maps on our Portal. Today 110 maps for Heroes 4 è Heroes 4 The Gathering Storm have been added, you can find them out in the section New maps! Many thanks to the authors who have allowed to place their maps to our catalogue!

The terms of Royal games are prolonged

The terms of Royal games are prolonged on our Off-line tourney. Send your saves Heroes 3 or Heroes 4 by March 3. The results will be shown March 12.

We continue to restore the Portal

Today voting on the page "Off-line tourneys" has neen finished and the property of the off-line tourney on the game version "Heroes 3 the Shadow of Death" have been restored.

News subscription works

Now you can subscribe to HeroesLands and Portal news or refuse them. Our dispatches take place one time a month. Remember that having filled in the registered form, you'll be automaticly getting dispatches on the indicated address.

We celebrated the portal anniversary

How, where and who celebrated that event, you can see later in the section "Events". As a rule, one gives presents on birthday but as this is a Portal birthday, this is a holiday of all visitors of the Portal and we have prepared a present for you. Today off-line tournaments for Heroes 3 and Heroes 4 have been open. The managers of the site continue restoring work of the Portal. While you are playing, we are restoring property lost by technical causes in 2002. If you are bewildered or you have questions, we are waiting for you in the Tavern.

Two new maps were added

There are 2 maps of new add-on for Heroes of Might and Magic IV - The Gathering Storm in the section "New maps". You can vote for these maps and download them here.

New maps have been added today

H3-SD-S Water war, H3-SD-XL Wicth World, Desert war, H4-S On a two. Many thanks to authors for these maps. You can vote for them in the section "New maps".

A new map H4-XL was added

This map will surprise even a skillful player because it contains more than 800 scripts. The authors of this map say that a month was spent on its creation. To my mind, they didn't spend this month in vain! You can find it in no time, having visited the section  "New maps". Vote for it, the authors will be glad.