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News archive

The system of map rating was improved upon

Now you can not only praise maps but also criticize them. We remind you that there will be many competitions with prizes bound up with the section maps on our site this year.

3 new maps were added! Send your maps!

3 maps were added: 2 campaigns for Heroes III "The Shadow of Death" and a map for Heroes II which is titled "Irony of destiny". More detail about it read in the section "Maps".

A map "Only war" H3-SD-M was added

See the section "New maps". We have started to work with data of lost maps. The site administration should look through archive of letters with maps sent since 2000.

We continue to restore the Portal

We have restored the design and added new functions to the sections "Maps" and "Inhabitants".

We welcome you on our Portal in new 2003 year!

We have a New Year present for you. Although we are restoring the section "Maps", we have become to add your sent maps! We have added the following maps: "Crusade2" (H3-SD-XL), "Life or Darkness" (H3-WOG-XL) and a campaign "Kate" including 12 maps to H3-SD.

Happy New Year!

We wish the next year would be better past! Stay with us! The next year promises to be interesting with our Portal! :)

The section "Storage" is restored

The Portal section "Storage" is filled up with a file allowing to make calculations in Heroes IV.

The section "Maps" is restored

Load, send maps and win prizes from our Portal. The section will be modified soon. Write about errors of the section "Maps" to

Glad to welcome you on the rebuilt Portal!

The life goes on, we have changed the portal address and now we welcome visitors speaking English!
Many sections don't work, but they will open soon, the beginning is marked! We invite you to drink in our virtual "Tavern"  with the managers of the site!!!
PS. The structure of the Portal is modified, now the enter to the tavern and to the site is united.
You enter into the Tavern under your login (nick) and password.
If you forgot your password, you can fill in a form in the section "Registration" and you will receive it by e-mail.