Персонажи и титулы
В игре есть четыре различных персонажа, каждый из которых может получить три продвижения, или титула.
Для того, что бы получить очередной титул, ваш герой должен выполнить задание короля Максимуса: победить по контракту некоторое число злодеев.
Исполнив требуемое, можно возвращаться к королю и требовать повышения.
При продвижении персонаж получает солидные прибавки к лидерству, доходу и магическим навыкам.
Персонажи отличаются друг от друга именно соотношением этих прибавок – например, у Рыцаря наибольшая прибавка к параметру leadership,
а у Чародейки – к магическим навыкам. Подробности в таблицах ниже.
Рыцарь (Knight)
Wins |
Leadership |
Income |
Spell power |
Knowledge |
Knight |
– |
100 |
1000 |
1 |
2 |
General |
2 |
+100 |
+1000 |
+1 |
+2 |
Marshall |
6 |
+300 |
+2000 |
+1 |
+4 |
Lord |
6 |
+500 |
+4000 |
+2 |
+5 |
Паладин (Paladin)
Wins |
Leadership |
Income |
Spell power |
Knowledge |
Paladin |
– |
80 |
1000 |
1 |
3 |
Crusader |
2 |
+80 |
+1000 |
+2 |
+4 |
Avenger |
5 |
+240 |
+2000 |
+2 |
+5 |
Champion |
6 |
+800 |
+4000 |
+2 |
+12 |
Чародейка (Sorceress)
Wins |
Leadership |
Income |
Spell power |
Knowledge |
Sorceress |
– |
60 |
3000 |
2 |
5 |
Magician |
3 |
+60 |
+1000 |
+3 |
+8 |
Mage |
3 |
+180 |
+1000 |
+5 |
+10 |
Archmage |
6 |
+300 |
+1000 |
+5 |
+12 |
Варвар (Barbarian)
Wins |
Leadership |
Income |
Spell power |
Knowledge |
Barbarian |
– |
100 |
2000 |
0 |
2 |
Chieftan |
1 |
+100 |
+2000 |
+1 |
+2 |
Warlord |
4 |
+300 |
+2000 |
+1 |
+3 |
Overlord |
5 |
+500 |
+2000 |
+1 |
+3 |
Злодеи "Continentia"
Murray the Miser |
Прозвище |
Нет |
Награда |
5000 |
Приметы |
Ветхая, изношенная одежда, парик, прячущий лысину. Непрерывный кашель. |
Вина |
Разыскивается за множество мелких преступлений, особенно за измену - с его помощью группа пиратов проникла в замок. |
Армия |
28 wolves, 39 militia, 68 peasants, 59 peasants, 83 peasants. |
Hack the Rogue |
Прозвище |
The Spitter |
Награда |
6000 |
Приметы |
Bushy ebon Beard stained with tobacco juice, numerous battle scars, brash, arrogant behaviour. |
Вина |
Along with many minor infractions Hack is wanted for conspiracy against the crown and for, grave-robbing. |
Армия |
35 militia, 34 militia, 14 nomads, 101 peasants, 79 peasants. |
Princess Aimoila |
Прозвище |
Lady Deceit |
Награда |
7000 |
Приметы |
Excessive use of make-up to hide aging features, ever-present lace handkerchief. |
Вина |
The princess violated her status as a visiting dignitary by encouraging a murder and joining the conspiracy against the crown. |
Армия |
50 sprites, 74 sprites, 20 skeletons, 22 zombies, 6 ogres. |
Baron Johnno Makahl |
Прозвище |
Johnno |
Награда |
8000 |
Приметы |
Expensive and gaudy clothes, scruffy beard and overweight. |
Вина |
Johnno is wanted for various crimes against the kingdom, including leading a direct assault against the crown and conspiracy. |
Армия |
23 orcs, 17 archers, 5 trolls, 14 dwarves, 36 wolves. |
Dread Pirate Rob |
Прозвище |
Terror of the sea |
Награда |
9000 |
Приметы |
Pencil thin moustache and elegantly trimmed beard, never without a rapier. |
Вина |
Rob is wanted for piracy as well as conspiracy and for breaking out five traitors sentenced to death in the royal dungeons. |
Армия |
69 militia, 62 militia, 16 archers, 13 elves, 5 barbarians. |
Caneghor the Mystic |
Прозвище |
The Majestic Sage |
Награда |
10000 |
Приметы |
Voluminous robes, bald head, magic symbols engraved on body, levitating ability. |
Вина |
Caneghor is wanted for grave robbing, conspiracy against the crown and for plundering the royal library. |
Армия |
13 ghosts, 267 sprites, 10 knights, 6 archmages, 7 archmages. |
Злодеи "Forestria"
Sir Moradon the Cruel |
Прозвище |
Нет |
Награда |
12000 |
Приметы |
Always wearing armor and concealed weapons, has twoprominent front teeth and an unkept beard. |
Вина |
Sir moradon, from another land is wanted for his part in a conspiracy to topple the kingdom. |
Армия |
29 archers, 21 pikemen, 115 militia, 18 cavalry, 16 knights. |
Prince Barrowpine |
Прозвище |
The Elf Lord |
Награда |
14000 |
Приметы |
Pointed ears, sharp elfin features, pale blue eyes with no whites, glimmering enchanted coin. |
Вина |
The prince is one of the leaders of the conspiracy against the crown. He also traffics stolen artifacts. |
Армия |
33 archmages, 13 druids, 313 sprites, 35 pikemen, 30 elves. |
Bargash Eyesore |
Прозвище |
Old One Eye |
Награда |
16000 |
Приметы |
Single eye in center of head, over ten feet tall, only hair on body is beard. |
Вина |
Bargash is wanted for conspiracy against the crown andfor leading an outright attack against the king. |
Армия |
20 ogres, 15 trolls, 7 giants, 94 wolves, 160 orcs. |
Rinaldus Drybone |
Прозвище |
The Death Lord |
Награда |
18000 |
Приметы |
Rinaldus is a magically animated skeleton, an undead, he is easily identified by the crown he wears. |
Вина |
Rinaldus is wanted for leading a conspiracy against the crown andleading a rebellion on the continent of saharia. |
Армия |
112 zombies, 520 skeletons, 33 ghosts, 14 vampires, 8 demons. |
Злодеи "Archipelia"
Ragface |
Прозвище |
Нет |
Награда |
20000 |
Приметы |
Ragface is an undead, he is covered from head to toe in moldering green strips of cloth, a rotting smell follows him. |
Вина |
Conspiracy against the crown and leading an insurrection in saharia. |
Армия |
222 zombies, 645 skeletons, 53 ghosts, 31 vampires, 10 demons. |
Mahk Bellowspeak |
Прозвище |
Bruiser |
Награда |
25000 |
Приметы |
Bright orange body hair on a fluorescent green body. a tendency to shout for no apparent reason. |
Вина |
Mahk is wanted for the conspiracy against the crown, leading a jail break and for piracy on the open seas. |
Армия |
8 dragons, 32 giants, 30 ogres, 219 orcs, 218 gnomes. |
Auric Whiteskin |
Прозвище |
The Barbariane |
Награда |
30000 |
Приметы |
Auric is heavily muscled and wears a protective skin made from the hides of baby lambs. |
Вина |
Auric is wanted for conspiracy and for leading the rebellion of the continent Saharia. |
Армия |
45 barbarians, 23 giants, 321 gnomes, 107 nomads, 763 peasants. |
Czar Nikolai the Mad |
Прозвище |
The Mad Czar |
Награда |
35000 |
Приметы |
The czar has eyes which change colour constantly, he also has a sulphur smell emanating from his body. |
Вина |
The czar is wanted for leading a conspiracy against the crown for violating diplomatic immunity and for murder. |
Армия |
110 pikemen, 46 archers, 85 cavalry, 64 knights, 6 dragons. |
Злодеи "Saharia"
Magus Deathspell |
Прозвище |
Нет |
Награда |
40000 |
Приметы |
Pupil-less eyes, white beard, always wears crimson robes and a matching Skull cap. |
Вина |
Magus is wanted for conspiracy against the crown and for practising forbidden magics. |
Армия |
60 vampires, 107 archmages, 33 demons, 544 gnomes, 5183 peasants. |
Urthrax Killspite |
Прозвище |
The Demon King |
Награда |
45000 |
Приметы |
Green, Skaly skin, over 7 feet tall, horns protruding from side of head. |
Вина |
Urthrax is wanted for conspiracy against the crown. |
Армия |
13 dragons, 217 cavalry, 54 demons, 261 knights, 62 archmages. |
Arech Dragonbreath |
Прозвище |
Mastermind |
Награда |
50000 |
Приметы |
Arech is an immense dragon with a green body and blue wings, he breathes fire. |
Вина |
Arech is wanted for the conspiracy against the crown, arraging jailbreaks, formenting rebellion, stealing the sceptre of order. |
Армия |
25 dragons, 26 dragons, 102 dragons, 105 demons, 107 vampires. |
Примечание: количественный состав армий дан приблизительный, т.к. во время недельного прироста существ не только
восстанавливаются жилища, но и немного увеличивается численость всех гарнизонов.