Welcome to HeroesPortal! Our portal is dedicated to the game " Heroes of Might and Magic" and all its applications, as well as copyright addon.
If you're new to our portal - we recommend to visit the section FAQ. It contains the answers to frequently asked questions. The main difference between our portal to other Internet resources is a virtual world with its own rules and laws, which we call "Heroes lands".
Even if you're not a virtuoso of the net game, but know how to beautifully express a thought or a map that you have the opportunity to gain the status of virtual money, which we denote by the letter and call @ "arrobas". You can raise your rank on the Portal, but becoming feudal, get ready for what you have to defend their land in tournaments and duels. The property that you own on our portal, is becoming more valuable every day.
See, read, think and stay to live in the "Land of Heroes".
Yes, Lady Luck will smile to you!
Пусть говорят, что Огненные Гончие отличаются злым и агрессивным нравом. Если копать глубже, то можно убедиться в неправоте этих слов. Три головы не мешают существу кушать из одной обычной миски, а зимой, в лютые холода, своим огненным дыханием они согревают своего хозяина. Еще Гончие отличные повара! Они замечательно пекут в пасти картошку, придавая продукту особый вкус; также могут жарить и варить. Так что сегодня на обед в Таверне печеная картошка и глинтвейн, приготовленный по особой рецептуре.
(translated by lady Ara and sir Kirinyale Goldfire) Devoted to Salomeya, my dear friend and companion. A Short lull in the HeroesLands has been interrupted by the main trouble-maker of all times – rust dragoness Salomeya, and as usual it was great....
-… If you plant seeds, the flower will grow. And if you plant a tree, a big tree will grow. But I wonder, what will grow if you plant lady? – Sir Paulik asked, sitting one evening in the Tavern. Lady Ara raised her eyes for a moment and answered:...
An orc in a green cloak where one could read the inscription www.heroesportal.net embroidered in gold was in the room at the very top of " tower of time " of the Capital of HeroesLand and looked at the huge sand-glass enclosed in a...
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in January 2025 He answered 48 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 265 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in January as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 6 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn //www.heroesportal.net/tavern/?id=237096 ...
Here you can find out who and for what merit did not receive the special status “Sage of the Tavern 2024”. It goes to Sir Mullich. It was he who in 2024, guessed the most questions 937 and earned 5091 @, “The main Drunkard of the Taverny in 2024”, became Sir Dmytro, he spent most of the arroba (118 @) on treating friends in our "BAR - chat"
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in December 2024 He answered 148 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 764 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in December as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 42 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn //www.heroesportal.net/tavern/?id=237096 ...
Here is 2024. Another hard year for the owners of the Heroes Portal. Thank you for staying with us and playing the good old Heroes Might & Magic®! Despite the fact that the programmer and owner of the "Heroes Portal" are in Ukraine, in conditions of power outages and war, we continue to develop the Portal, to your delight. I hope you will continue to stay with us and help us develop everyone's ...
Today, our section "Library" has been updated. Our "electronic publications" have also been transferred to it, this optimizes the general menu of the site.
Sir Mullich was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in November 2024 He answered 183 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 960 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in November as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 21 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn //www.heroesportal.net/tavern/?id=237096 ...
Sir Dmytro was recognized as the "Sage of the Tavern" in October 2024 He answered 76 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chat), and earned 429 @. Sir Dmytro recognized in October as the main "Drinker of the Tavern". He treats friends he spent 3 @. What is arroba (@) and how can you earn them to earn //www.heroesportal.net/tavern/?id=237096 ...