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New maps

Another section "Maps" update has arrived. This time we posted the following maps:  Vengeance, Warlike Mess (H2-S); Inner Conflict, War for Profits (H2-M); Ancient World, Cold Ring, Two Halves (H2-XL); Mountain (H3SD-M); City of Peace, Dragon Master (H3SD-L); XXI Century Conflict (H3SD-XL); Egypt, Ezhslave Attack, One on One (H3WG-S); Desolation, The Hell (H3WG-M); Two Towers (H3WG-L); Fight for Faith, The Ghost Town (H3WG-XL); Test (H4WW-S); Superheroes (H4WW-M).

Due to unexpected script problems we postponed the posting of HMM5 maps. We shall publish them as soon as the problem gets fixed.

HeroesPortal news

Today we announce the results of the last duels and ask you to send new challenges.
Also, there are changes in the Clans section. Lady Lion Star has joined the Favorites of Sun clan instead of Sir Maverick.
We ask all of the clan leaders to review their participations in HeroesPortal tourneys and make the appropriate substitutions. E.g. the First Cohort clan has King Vitalic in its lineup, which is against the Rank Rules.

New maps added

7 new maps for Heroes of Malgrimia have been added to our Maps section today.

Clan changes

Today there are some changes in the Clans section. Sir SanD and Lady Sombre have left the Alliance clan. Sir Walking and Sir Aivengo have joined the clan instead.

HeroesPortal news

Today we've solved the problem of finishing authorisation, and our Portal is open for new Citizens! We have also restored attributes (coats of arms, portraits, avatars) for the citizens who've had them temporarily unavailable since Portal's moving to the new host. If there are still any problems with your Castle-Profile, please report them to

We also invite you to visit the tourney page. There are some online and offline Heroes of Might and Magic II, III, IV tourneys open, and the Heroes of Might and Magic V Royal Games have been prolonged.

More results of the year 2006

Today we congratulate the winners of 2006 in Heroes of Might and Magic IV and proudly present our new offline tourney manager in Heroes Lands IV - Sir Twilight.

So, according to the results of Heroes of Might and Magic IV games in 2006, the following awards are issued:
Sir Spy is entiled as Grand Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 4" in 2006 (First place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Zigfreed is entiled as Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 4" in 2006 (Second place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Monomach is entiled as Specialist of the tourney "Heroes Lands 4" in 2006 (Third place). He is given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.

Please not that we are not adding the special statuses for now, as we want to display them graphically. All winners are asked to send their information to to receive the prizes.

Everything gonna be alright :)

So, today we've finally solved the authorisation problem in our Tavern. Come in, we are happy to see you! Our Barstand (chatroom) is not working yet, but we will restore it in the nearest future as the chat is one of the main instruments for online players of our Portal. Structuring and opening new sections for online gaming is a priority task for us at the moment.
There are still problems with displaying some of your attributes (coats of arms, avatars, portraits), but we are working on them. If you have any other troubles, please write to

The Maps section has been updated. Not only have we somewhat redesigned it and added new sections, there is also now a very important administrative feature added, namely deleting the maps (with the previous programmer, we've waited for years for this to be implemented). So now a Spring clean-up is underway. You can help us by writing here. We're also starting to add the new maps and eagerly awaiting for more of your works.

Our offline tourneys are also returning to life. Results of the offline tourneys in Heroes Lands 5 have been summed up, and the participants have received their prizes. Watch the tourney news.

We continue to sum up the results of the year 2006 and reward the winners. If you are a prize-winner in one of the game versions, please send an e-mail with your information to so that we can send you your prizes. Special statuses in the profiles will be added later on as we want them to be displayed graphically, not the way you can see them now.
Let us remind you some of the results:
offline Heroes Of Might And Magic I
offline Heroes Of Might And Magic II
offline Heroes Of Might And Magic III»
We still have to sum up the results for Heroes of Might And Magic IV offline tourneys, as well as all of our online tourneys. Online results are still to be announced by the Online Tourney Managers.

HeroesPortal has been moved to a new host.

As you may have noticed recently, our Portal have not been developing rapidly. The reason was the fact that our Senior Web Programmer sir Pool have had no time (or perhaps no wish) for it. The last technical upgrade of the Portal had been introduced over half a year ago, and much of the planned projects have been in suspended state for years. That's why a decision has been made to relieve sir Pool of his post for the good of HeroesPortal.
Unfortunately, you could observe the consequences of this team changes for the last few days. Everything you may have seen have been initiated by Sir Pool and HeroesPortal team is not in any way responsible for it. You may ask your questions about the host change in our tavern. Please also report any problems and bugs you notice.
We are sorry for the way the Portal was functioning during the last week, and thank you for support and understanding. We will do everything we can to justify your hopes.

"Maps" section news

Today we posted the maps we got in January.

Here they are: Ancient World (H2-XL); Barbarian habits (H3AB-M); Assault (H3SD-S); All equally, Den of the daemon, Northern Tower (H3SD-M); A butterfly with parched wings, Citadel of Heroes 1 (H3SD-L); Family Problem, The Global Flood (H3SD-XL); Road to the Hell, Runaway (H3WG-M); Interesting Target of Death v2.0, Life or Death (H3WG-L); Last day of Erathia, Masters of adventures 1, Non Being (H3WG-XL); The Web of Evil (H4WW-L); Revenge of the Necromancer WL (H4WW-XL); Coming Home, Might Makes Right, Rakshasas Revolt v1.0 (H5-S); A Death Knight Journey (H5-XL); The Enigma v2.1 (H5HF-S); All for one HoF (H5HF-L).

Also, from now on each month sir Df conducts a map contest, named "Best map of the month". The winner will get 1000@ and a special medal in his or her profile.

More results of the year 2006

Today we congratulate the winners of 2006 in Heroes of Might and Magic III. Our Portal was the first to hold tourneys in this game version in their present form.
After all those years, many other Internet sites have opened such tourneys too, but our tourneys still remain the most popular ones. Over 200 players take part in every round in this version. And for the regular and efficient managin of these tourneys we thank: Sir Edinorog Magic, Sir Bisya è Sir Kirinyale Goldfire.

So, according to the results of Heroes of Might and Magic III games in 2006, the following awards are issued:
Sir Black Boomer is entiled as Grand Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 3" in 2006 (First place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Bakster is entiled as Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 3" in 2006 (Second place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Aivengo is entiled as Specialist of the tourney "Heroes Lands 3" in 2006 (Third place). He is given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.

Results of the year 2006

Today we've updated the Events section of our Portal. A brief report about the year 2006 has been added.
Also, today we begin to announce the names of the winners of tourneys in 2006. All winners are asked to contact Sir Gorbik and send their full personal information along with the address where their prizes will be deilvered.
For today, Heroes Portal is maybe the only HoMM-dedicated website holding regular offline tourneys on the first and second games of this series. For that, we thank the managers of these tourneys: Sir Maximix, Lady Lion Star and Lady Ennaxamoun.

So, according to the results of Heroes of Might and Magic I games in 2006, the following awards are issued:
Sir Leosan is entiled as Grand Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 1" in 2006 (First place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Sub-Zero is entiled as Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 1" in 2006 (Second place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Grandfather is entiled as Specialist of the tourney "Heroes Lands 1" in 2006 (Third place). He is given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.

According to the results of Heroes of Might and Magic II games in 2006, the following awards are issued:
Sir Leosan is entiled as Grand Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 2" in 2006 (First place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Deep Mike is entiled as Master of the tourney "Heroes Lands 2" in 2006 (Second place) and rewarded by a Heroes Portal T-shirt, an orc statuette with a memorable engraving, and a diploma of Heroes Portal. He is also given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.
Sir Navuchodonosor is entiled as Specialist of the tourney "Heroes Lands 2" in 2006 (Third place). He is given a special status with this title in his Heroes Portal profile.

Today is the 7th Anniversary of Heroes Portal

Today is the 7th Anniversary of Heroes Portal's foundation, and 4 years have passed since its official opening. A good occasion to celebrate in our Tavern! :)

Changes in the Clans section

Some changes have occured in the Clans section today. In the Gladiators clan, Sir hister have been substituted by sir Spy.

Heroes Portal life

On the threshold of celebrations dedicated to the six-year term since the official foundation of Heroes Portal (and seven years since the beginning of a former homepage, we announce a new round of The Royal Game. Royal Games are offline tourneys for speed, where participants must play campaigns for the games of Heroes of Might and Magic series.

Results of the most tourneys of year 2006 had been summed up by now, and we are beggining to calculate the general results to reward the very best players of 2006. Results of all tourneys displayed in the Hall of Glory (except duels) will be taken into account, according to the decision of the Knights of the Round Table of 4th convocation in late 2005.
We hope to also reward the participants of Heroes Portal online tourneys for the first time. These results are now being prepared by the online tourney managers.

There are also major changes in the Heroes Portal team lineup. We'd like to tell you about the roles of each team member. There are 16 of us at the moment.

Administrative department and department of general development of Heroes Portal:
Sir Gorbik – Director, PR Manager, Manager of offline duels in all versions of Heroes of Might and Magic.
Sir Pool - Lead Programmer.
Sir Kirinyale Goldfire - Official Translator, Manager of the English part, Assistant Programmer. Also manages the "Wild Lands" offline tourney in Heroes Lands III.
Sir Zin - Lead Heraldist (assigns and censors the personal attributes of Heroes Portal visitors).
Sir Aethelfern - Manager of the Maps section.

Online tourney managers:
Sir Chekist - Manager of online tourneys (also temporary manages Heroes IV online tourneys). Head of the Online Guild.
Sir Maximix - Manager of Heroes II online tourneys.
Sir Ambassador - Manager of Heroes III online tourneys
Sir Skeleton Dark - Manager of Heroes V online tourneys

Offline tourney managers:
Lady Ennaxamoun - Manager of Heroes II offline tourneys.
Lady Lion Star - Manager of "Citadel of Heroes" and "Wild Lands" tourneys in Heroes Lands II.
Sir Edinorog Magic - Manager of Heroes III offline tourneys.
Sir Bisya - Manager of Heroes III offline tourneys.
Lady Ara - Manager of "Citadel of Heroes" and "Wild Lands" tourneys in Heroes Lands IV (also temporary manages other offline tourneys in Heroes Lands IV).
Lady Sombre - Manager of offline tourneys in Heroes Lands V.
Sir Fizik - Manager of offline tourneys in Heroes Lands V.

Soon we are going to update our About section. We are sorry for the temporary inconvenience. Please use information from above by now.

!!!Attention!!! Our team still needs a Designer living in Kiev (Ukraine) and a Manager for the Heroes IV offline tourneys.

New polls

We invite you to take part in the new polls! On our site, you'll find a poll "Which Heroes V campaign you like best?". There are also several other polls about the upcoming game "Heroes of Malgrimia II: Necromancers Invasion".