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Feud maps updated

Today we have updated the feud maps of Heroes Lands III.
If you have any questions regarding the feud maps, you can ask Lady Ëåäè Ara, who is managing this section.
Please be patient and wait for all the images to load fully. By clicking on the small preview, you will open a window with the large version of the feud map.


Updates Today we have updated feud maps of the following continents in Heroes Lands IV:
Please be patient and wait for all the images to load fully. By clicking on the small preview, you will open a window with the large version of the feud map.
We also have a lot of news about our offline and online tourneys. For example, from the top match table of our charitable online tourney with $1000 prize money, Sir gorbunaak and Sir vitalic have advanced to the final. We are eagerly awaiting for the results of the bottom table games and the FINAL!!!
Offline tourneys in Heroes Lands II have been prolonged until June 26 inclusive! A new round of offline tourneys have started in Heroes Lands V. The maps are not too hard this time, so go ahead and join the competition!

Also, very soon we will publish the results of the offline duels and respective bets: Sir edik-lv vs Sir Rain Lonely in Heroes Lands III, Sir Karen vs Sir Ice Axe in Heroes Lands IV. The delays were due to some technical problems, now successfully solved. So we are now ready to accept new duel challenges from you.

Artifacts market in Heroes Lands IV

Today we have updated the artifacts market by changing prices for 40 artifacts. Many of them no longer require an addititional USD payment.

Artifacts market in Heroes Lands V

Today we've opened the artifacts market for our Heroes of Might and Magic V offline tourneys. Hurry to buy everything you need, as the next Common Tourney will be played with your property added to your starting saves. Discussion of the artifacts market in Heroes Lands V is active here.

Portal updates

Today we've updated our School of Skill by adding a lesson (Russian only) by Sir Sub-Zero. It is a thrilling story which would be interesting to read for all offline tourney players in Heroes of Might and Magic I. Also, we've added another lesson by Sir Twilight who is our offline tourney manager in Heroes Lands IV.
We've added a new chronicle by sir Lymnaea. Let us remind that our Chronicles are citizen-made humorous fantasy-style reviews of the events happening at our Portal, published without cuts. Reward for each such chronicle is 100@, or 300@ if it is written in English.
We've also updated the "Heroes World Physics" file in our Treasury. This file is discussed here.

HoMM IV  Summer Online Tourney is open!

Today we open our HoMM IV Summer Online Tourney. Please sign up to play in it. You can learn about other online tourneys in various Heroes of Might and Magic versions here, and here you will find a list of all currently active offline tourneys.

Online duels tourney in Heroes Lands V

On numerous requests from HeroesPortal citizens, we now resume the regular online duels tourney in Heroes Lands V (HMM5). All you have to do to participate is to post your information (nickname, ICQ UIN, comfortable time etc) in the corresponding topic (Russian).

Prizes and online feuds will be awarded as always. Have fun!

HeroesPortal team recruits again

Our team needs an assistant for Heroes of Might and Magic III offline tourney manager, and an online tourney manager for Heroes of Might and Magic IV. If you wish to join us, please send your propositions to

New maps

May was definitely not the most productive month for our mapmakers, so we posted only 10 works this time. However, there are some decent maps among these ten!

The list of the maps posted: Battle of Heroes (H2-S); Birthday Cake (H2-M); Ancient Valley of Fatum (H3SD-M); Seven Rounds For A Tenth Life (H3SD-XL); Brave Border Defending (H3WG-M); The Lord of the Rings V (H3WG-L); Unequal Conditions, Vampire Destroyers (H5HF-S); Sacred Town (H5HF-M); Rumple Quest (H5HF-L).

Maps competition for Heroes of Might and Magic III is open!

Today our Portal opens a big maps competition for all versions of Heroes of Might and Magic III, including the unofficial addon In the Wake of Gods (WoG)! If you are good with the map editor, if you have some fresh and interesting ideas - be among the first to register! You will find the rules of the competition and information about the prizes here.

Wild Lands news

Another Wild Lands tourney has just finished in Heroes Lands 3. As you may already know, Wild Lands are a special project of our Portal. Unlike regular continents, their feud maps consist of screenshots taken from real maps, which are also used to hold these tourneys.

We are short on that special maps at the moment. This problem is the same for all Lands (game versions), so we invite all the mapmakers to actively help us in developing the section. You can read more about all of this here.

Barstand (CHAT) and feud maps updated

Our Barstand (chatroom) has been updated today. Still not everything works as we want it to, but the work continues. We'll be happy to hear your opinions in our Tavern.

The feud maps of Heroes Lands 2, Heroes Lands 3, Heroes Lands 4 have also been updated.
We'd also like you to take a look at this topic, concerning the overpopulation of the continent Castle (Heroes Lands 3). If you have any questions regarding the feud maps, please contact the person in charge, Lady Ara.
And if you've read our Duel Rules carefully and have no questions, we await your challenges! Today, after a long break, we've opened two duels in Heroes Lands 3 and 4. Read the news about them and make your bets.

Patch 1.5 for Heroes of Might and Magic V released

Patch 1.5 has been released today. It makes the game fully compliant with the 2.1 expansion version. It also includes a duel preset editor, makes it possible to record replays etc. You can download the patch from UbiSoft and Nival sites.

The council of Knights of the Round Table is elected!

Today the council of Knights of the Round Table of the 7th convocation was elected. Here you can see the details of voting. Here is the lineup of the 7th convocation:
  Sir Aivengo
Sir Deep Mike
Sir efrit
Lady Jerky Fox
Sir MaRGe
Lady Pups
Sir Roke Alva
Sir Sandro
Sir Silver Lynx
Sir Zoltan
Sir Ernests
Soon they will be given access to the Round Table, as well as special statuses in their profiles. We don't assign statuses right now as we want to display them graphically in the Tavern.

Updates in About and Clans sections

Our About section has been updated today and we are happy to officially introduce Sir Vitalic, our new Heroes of Might and Magic III onlne tourney manager. We also remind that our team still needs a manager for Heroes of Might and Magic IV online tourneys. If you wish to join us, write to .

We have also updated the Clans section by slightly changing the statute of Favorites of Sun clan.