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Huge update of section "Maps"!

Our section "Maps" is updated again, and more than 40 (!) new maps and campaigns added to our catalogue. Among them you'll find the best fan-made HoMM5 maps available nowadays.
Here's the map list: Drago Strikes, Pantheon (H2-XL); Between Two  Lands (H3AB-XL); Gorgon Treasure (H3SD-S); Belivia 1.2, Dark Time, Golden Tooth, Gold of Dead, Joan of Arc IV, Lootishness, Return of demon, Rise of the King, Western Boundary (H3SD-M); A Story About Fly, Conquerors, Conquistadors, Joan of Arc III, The King of Britain, West Orient & Underground Cave (H3SD-L); Heroes and Masyanya, Joan of Arc II, Joan of Arc V, Vague Time (H3SD-XL); Nobius 2, The Holy Anger (H3SD-C); Save Mother Land (H3WG-S): Desert Battle 1 (H3WG-M); A Dragon In My Heart 2.0, Artful Map II, Devil Bane, Six Kingdoms (H3WG-XL); Bender - The Asteroid War (H4GS-XL); Kill the dead God, Treachery, War for the ground, War of Gods (H4WW-M); Gladiators (H4WW-L); Beyond Six Stamps, Circle Sea (H4WW-XL); Dragon Legacy 1.1 (H5-T); Dragon Cape 1.1 (H5-S); Dragon Hill 1.2 (H5-M); Ashes and Sands, The Crescent FFA (H5-L); Dark Forest, Seize The Throne (H5-XL).

Heroes Portal life

Today we have some changes in the Clans section. Sir Vendral has left the clan "In Quest of Asha", and his place has been taken by Sir Ernests.

Also, today we'd like to introduce you to a "Heroic Echo" news-service (unfortunately, its information is in Russian only) maintained by one of our Portal's citizens, Sir Amun. With his help, you may learn about news of our Portal, as well some other websites dedicated to Heroes of Might and Magic. Here you may find the archive and subscribe for it. Unfortunately, the service is not stable enough, so if you can't follow the link, try again later - it's worth of your time. :)

Storage updated

Today we've updated our Storage by adding a "Sortition file" which will randomly place players' names on the battlefield.

About section updated

Today we've updated the "About us" section. There you may learn more about the history of our project and about the Heroes Portal team members.

Heroes 4 School of Skill updated

Today a new lesson by Sir Shay Tan has been added to the Heroes 4 School of Skill. If you like this lesson, you can always thank the teacher with some arrobas. We'll be happy to publish your own lessons as well, if you send them to the tourney managers. Remember: every lesson must be supported by the necessary saves and, if needed, pictures for better obviousness.

Section "Maps" updated

Yesterday we posted a couple dozens of new maps, among which is the first fan-made HMM5 map.

Here is the map list: Horror of Oak Forest (H3AB-S); New fantasy warriors, The chill approaches (H3SD-S); Castle Grozny (H3SD-M); Canberra 12, Castaways, Catch a Faerie, Legend of King Andros, Ringing of Victory (H3SD-L); Battle 1, Doomsday, Long Way Home, Pendragon Son III (H3SD-XL); Aspiration for a Victory, Humpbacked Horse 3.0, The Battlefield (H3WG-M); Shield and Sword (H3WG-XL); Inner Force (H3WG-C); Horse Race 1.0 (H4WW-S); Apocalypse (H4WW-M); Bumbabo - WL 1.1, Mage Wars - Rise of Heroes (H4WW-XL); A Wind of Thorns 2.0 (H4WW-C), New Master (H5-S).

New Town Group

New Town Group's Bastion project for Heroes of Might and Magic 3.5 WoG has been updated.

HeroesPortal life

Feud maps of Heroes Lands 2 have been added today. Namely, there are following continents:
Continent of Barbarians,
Continent of Sorceress,
Continent of Necromancers,
Continent of Knights,
Continent of Wizards,
Continent of Warlocks.
You are invited to find your feuds on these maps and challenge someone for a duel in this game version. If you have any questions on the existing feud maps of Heroes Lands 2, please ask sir Navuchodonosor.

Also, there are changes in the Clans section. Sir Legizz has left the clan Favorites of Sun, and Sir Maverick has taken his place.

Patch 1.3 for Heroes of Might and Magic V has been released today.

Patch 1.3 for Heroes of Might and Magic V has been released today. You can download it from this page. Choose the needed version of the patch for your language.

Changes in the Clans section

The Clans section has been updated. The following changes have been made in clan "Gladiators":
Sir Spy becomes a king and leaves the clan, Sir hister changes him, and Sir Kolizey becomes the leader.
  The following changes have been made in clan "The Fallen":
  Lady Danyra becomes a queen and leaves the clan, Lady Melamory changes her.
Also, today Sir Ńýđ Sinoptic has bought 4 feuds in Heroes Lands 3 and presented them to Lady Stillness as a king.

The "Storage" has been updated.

Today our “Storage” has been updated. The fail “Heroes world physics” for Heroes of Might and Magic III has been updated. Please send your materials for sections «School of skill»,  «Library», «Storage», « ELECTRONIC EDITIONS, WHICH WERE MADE BY VISITORS HEROES PORTAL ». You can get some arrobas for this.

The council of Knights of the Round Table is elected!

Today the council of Knights of the Round Table of the 6th convocation was elected. Here you can see the details of voting. The 6th convocation differs from the 5th a little, Sir Catch, Sir Saint Fox and Lady Jerky Fox have left and Sir Navuchodonosor, Sir Silver Lynx, and Lady Pups have changed them. The whole staff is:
  Lady Ash
  Sir Black Boomer
  Sir Dartagnan
  Sir Deep Mike
  Lady Eveline de Beaufort
  Lady Light Wing
  Sir Navuchodonosor
  Lady Pups
  Sir Sandro
  Sir Silver Lynx
  Sir Twilight
  Sir VAN

HeroesPortal life.

So, the autumn has come to our «Heroes Lands» and our «Tavern» has changed. In a short time the autumn board will delight your eyes, and thank to new tag “style” you can express your thoughts more precisely not breaking our romantic feudal style. Also, now you can make you Private messages more emotion using smiles in them. Thanks to efforts of magister  pool the Tavern has become more functional, now you can see last 20 messages and always be up on last events and congratulate your friend in their birthday in time. The list of citizens having birthdays you can see at the very bottom of Tavern.
  During last week the profile has been improved. “Preview” option has been added and now you can see how your profile will be look like after editing. The new form "Support" has been added for you to be able to ask any question about Heroes Portal to the Heroes Portal Team and you certainly will be answered. The work under section «profile» lasts.
  The main innovation, which caused lots of different opinions has become free sale of mines in the market. We remind to the citizens that Knights of the Round Table have written this to the Main rules (point 11). Due to such stormy discussion, the Supreme magister Sir Ńýđ Gorbik offers to discuss prices for mines with the Knights of the Round Table of the 6th convocation but not to block the sale. Now the market works in HeroesLands 2, 3, 4 (5 is under construction). Also the section “Special artifacts” is temporary stopped due to technical problems, the artifacts theirselves work.
  !!!ATTENTION!!! Please send your materials for sections «School of skill»,  «Library», «Storage»,  « ELECTRONIC EDITIONS, WHICH WERE MADE BY VISITORS HEROES PORTAL ». You can get some arrobas for this.

Add-on «Hammers of Fate» ę čăđĺ Heroes of Might and Magic V will be released in November 2006.

Today the companies Nival Interactive and Ubisoft announce the add-on to the game Heroes of Might and Magic V called «Hammers of Fate», which will be released in November 2006. The add-on includes:
  New race – gnomes, who live in snows
New magic school – fleece magic, which is available for gnomes only (common magic is also available for them)
For casting fleece magic we you not mana, but common resources
10 new objects, 14 new artifacts
New neutral monsters (wolfs, mummies, manticores)
3 new campaigns (15 missions), new maps
Random maps generator
Possibility to make simultaneous turns while early stage of multiplayer game

The tourneys in HMM1 are lasting!

Today the results of the fourth tourney in Heroes of Might and Magic I hold by Sir Maximix were summed up.
We are waiting for you to take part in the 5th tourney in this vertion.