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A new clan is created

One more clan named «Blades of Balance» is added to the section "Clans". We remind the leaders that they need to present clans regulations in English and in Russian.

The section “Clans” has been opened.

We have happy news today! The next new section of our offline tournament "HeroesLands" is open. This section is "Clans" one. From the following «Common tourney» all rules of the section "Clans Rules"  will come into force.  

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today: Saga (H2-H2-XL), Life and Death (H3-AB-M), Force of Sphere Prohibition (H3-AB-XL), Anfang des Dritten Zeitalters (H3-RO-XL), Expedition, NEB Rising, SAVE TUSLA (H3-SD-M), RingWar (H3-SD-XL), Terra incognita, Two bridges (H3-WG-M), The parallel worlds,Treasure (H3-WG-S), Germany (H3-WG-XL), Islands of Adventure (H4-GS-M), FAST&FURIUOS (H4-H4-M), In a name of the nature (H4-WW-M) Look for them in the section New maps as usual.

A new section has been open

The section of special artifacts was open in our tournament. There are special artifacts that available only in our tournament. Artifacts prices can be changed, you can discuss them in  "the Tavern"

Updating of the base of portal maps.

Map base updating has begun today. Previews of levels of 28 maps have been restored. We are making out a list of maps that will be deleted from our base. We invite you to take part in voting for maps and also to comment upon the maps that you like or dislike, it will help us to make the maps catalogue better.

New maps have been added today:

The Arena SP; The Great War (H2-XL); Three on One; Rubikon (H2-M); Invasion of Eon; Rome (H3-AB-XL); Audi ver 2.1 (H3-SD-XL); Sulfur Land; The House of Flame (H3-SD-M); Tron (one on one) (H4-M); Arena Island GS (H4-GS-XL). Look for them in the section New maps as usual.

We are sorry for some inconveniences.

The provider on which server our portal is located is carrying out work on improving equipment, therefore short-lived problems in portal functioning are possible. The portal team continues to seek means for moving to its own server. We are sorry for temporary failures in portal work. Yours truly team

The maps of  the tournament «HeroesLands» are renewed.

The political situation in our offline tournament «HeroesLands» has changed. So you can see new maps with  feuds seized in "HeroesLands 3" and  "HeroesLands 4" for today. We remind  that the feud is highest rating of player’s skill and the amount of feuds shows the number of tournament victories.

In connection with increasing the attendance, we decided to improve the host.

As you know, we have recently opened CHAT (barstand) in our Tavern, but less then a month later we had to give up that idea as the increasing amount of attendances had affected the speed of portal work. We know that there are some problems with portal access for visitors that’s why we made a decision to buy our own server. It is a very expensive procedure but we hope our efforts to be appreciated and we don’t doubt this as a record amount of participants (more than 180 persons) took part in the last tournaments. We thank you for trust to our portal and we'll try to improve our service.

We are going on with the portal development

Automatic sale of property to the Magistrare already works in our offline tourney" HeroesLands". We remind that following the section "Registration" and entering your profile, you may change your profile details or sell artifacts bought in the market for half of their cost.  We are carring on the development of game portal part and meeting the players’ desires, we made some amendments to tourney Rules. You may read about them in "the Tavern " at the announcements table.

New maps have been added today

Thanks to the author from Serbia sir Robert Lakatos the maps section has been added. Most of sent maps is for Heroes 2. Empires,Enderas,Imperium,The Mediterran,Wizard Pact (H2-XL), Island Rebellion,Lords of Magic,War for Profit (H2-L), Captain, Fires of Amura,Peasant Wars (H2-M), Dry Desert,The Treachery (H2-S). The maps section is often added with Heroes 2 maps lately. This pleasant tendency shows that Heroes go on living in spite of time elapsed from the creation of this game. Robert Lakatos also sent in the following Heroes 3 SoD campaigns: Age of Heroes,Enderasian Crusades, Enderasian Crusades (H3-SD-C) and a map Rome in Danger (Allies) (H3-SD-M). Sir Sarvi Engelhardt from Australia gladdened with his map Brothers in Arms (H4-GS-L). All added maps are in English. Look for them in the section New maps as usual.  

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today:mertvec ili pogrebjonii (H3-RE-S), The Knights of Heroes Lands_english (H3-SD-C), Besenstvo varvarov, Peseri drakonov,The small task (H3-SD-M), Lady Flame, The Big War!, Zazda krovi (H3-SD-XL), The Earth without pity (H3-WG-L), Call (H3-WG-M),A war to end all, Ancient Magic, Ancient Magic, Berm Island, Blastoff, Citadels, Elegraith, Estonia, Istari 2, Keros, Land Ahoy, Prosperity (H2-H2-XL), Battling Martin (H3-RE-M), mertvec ili pogrebjonii (H3-RE-S),Tarante (H3-RE-XL) Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today: The Purifier (H2-XL), Samara (H3SD-M), Europe B. C., Legacy of Gelu, Legacy of Gelu 2, Salvation (allies), War in Middle Earth, Zarass Conquer, Zarass Conquer,  Homecoming, Powerspot (All vs. All) (H3WG-XL) Look for them in the section new maps

Rewarding of the participants off-line of tournament and meeting in Moscow (Russia)

This playing year on our portal comes to near its close!  The year was not very easy ┘ but despite this we held out,  revived the portal and we are going on developing. Our offline tournament HeroesLands is going on! This difficult year for us we deternined the winners and we are going to reward them. November 8, 2003 rewarding of the winners of the offline tournament is held! Rewarding is held in Moscow (Russia). The prizes will be given by the company «Buka»(Russia). We are waiting for you in Moscow at this time! Report about last rewarding of the winners of the offline tournament that took place in Krasnodar (Russia) can be seen here. You can discuss details of this unofficial meeting in Moscow and see the list of the winners in our Tavern. We remind that our tournament is going on! We don't take away property after each rewarding. Property won in our tournament remains at players, we are only looking for strongest players and reward them! Hasten to join our tournament and it is possible YOU'll be rewarded by us next year!

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today:Seven,The True King (H3-AB-L), The Magnificent Seven (H3-SD-L), Force and weakness, Friends, Ocean WAR, Transition of a gulf (H3-SD-M), After, Crystal Sword, Sea World (H3-SD-S) Outsiders, Wiedzmin_s World (H3-SD-XL), Dark souls, Pride of the Angels (H3-WG-S), vzgljad na budujusee (H4-H4-M).Look for them in the section new maps