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New maps

The following maps have been added today: HeroesLands - Light vs. Dark, HeroesLands  - Defense (H3SD-L); Europe. World War II (H3WG-XL); Endless Battle (H4GS-XL); Sirens Prism (H4WW-M); Consurgo, Just an adventure (H4-M); Quattro (H4-S); Smash Crush Bang (H4-XL); Vae Victis ver.3 (H4-L). Look for them in our section "New Maps".

Another update of "Storage" section

Today our section "Storage" has been updated with an article "Heroes of Might & Magic and chess composition: in-depth links".

Our "Storage" section has been updated

Nowadays our Heroesportal visitors play Heroes of M&M on-line more and more often, and for easier and more comfortable gaming they need the same version of the game. Today at last we fulfilled multiple requests of our players and placed in our "«Storage»" a patch for Heroes of M&M 3 SoD 3.1, that  updates the game to version 3.2! We wish you nice on-line gaming via Internet! And, of course, don't forget about our off-line tournament "HeroesLands", the current round of which is coming to an end.

We moved!

Today the moving of our Portal to another host was fully completed. Our Portal is developing promptly and the quantity of our visitors is increasing in geometrical progression. We aspire to improve our services and quality of communication and we hope  you appreciate our new server. Heroesportal team hopes for your future support, including financial, because now we'll have to spend on our Portal more money. If you care for our Portal, we expect your help and your real $ will be converted to @, which you'll be able to spend on our off-line tournament "HeroesLands". Therefore, by helping us you also help yourself:) For all details, concerning material aid to our Portal, write to

The first experimental on-line tourney was opened today

Today the first experimental on-line tourney was opened. It is being run by sir POLY-MASTER. Our Heroesportal team is striving to fulfill all visitors' needs, but, unfortunately, our possibilities are limited, so we shall conduct tourneys of this kind irregularly, each time notifying in our News about the groups of players, formed for on-line competitions. If you can aid us in conducting on-line tourneys, we'll be happy. Meanwhile, you can find the schedule of the first on-line tourney on for game version "Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - The Shadow of Death", here

The clan "3-rd Paladins

Today the clan "3-d Paladins’ Gonfalon" changed its personnel. You can find the details "here".

Maps added and updated

New maps were added today: Friendly Visit, Double Impact (H2-L); Arctic Lands (H2-XL); Afrika (H3RE-XL); LORD OF THE RING (H3SD-XL), Long life the Order (H3SD-M); Heroes Lands - Expansion (H3SD-L); A variety, The Fellowship of the Ring, The owners without a ring, On ground, Under ground (H3-WG-XL); Duel (Red vs Blue), Labyrinth of Death, Intrusion, Islands, The Last Fight 2 (H3WG-M); Great Revolution, Titan (H3WG-S), Fairy tale, Medical wars (H4WW-L); The Last Coalition War v.1.1. (H4WW-XL); Mystisicity (H4WW-M). Look for them in section New Maps. Also, the following maps were updated today: Attraction1.1, War in Dragons a gulf (H3SD-XL), Accept1.4 (H3AB-C).

New maps

New maps have been added today: Invader, Pivotal Point, Maze of Madness (H3RE-M); Before There Was Time (H3RE-XL); Allied Invasion (H3SD-M); Friendlies - Spain vs. Germany, Narn Ascention, Running With The Devil (H3SD-L); For Blood And Honor (H3SD-XL); Megadragon (H3WG-S); The Last Fight (H3WG-M); In a pursuit of good luck (H3WG-L); Ky, Boggle (4-player allied) (H4-M); UnHoly Crusade (H4WW-M); Maze of Might and Magic (H4WW-XL). Look for them in our section new Maps

A new clan is created

One more clan named «MIB» is added to the section "Clans". We remind the leaders that they need to present clans regulations in English and in Russian.

HeroesPortal team asks you to observe copyright

Dear inhabitants of HeroesPortall! We call you to observe copyright! Especially it concerns authors of maps. Today the authorship of the map "The Lord of War" is finally restored. As it was found out, there were two absolutely identical maps named "The Lord of War" in our map collection. One of them was for H3-RE and the second - for H3-AB version. Maps were absolutely identical, but assigned to two different authors. Now, the H3-AB version of the map is assigned to its true author - Daniela Stieh, and the H3-RE dublicate it removed. We do all that we can in order to improve our Map Catalogue. Please, respect each other and send only your own maps! Those who break this rule will be punished! Also remember - it's better not to deceive, because eventually the deceit will be revealed. We shall post only QUALITATIVE, WELL-CRAFTED and YOUR OWN MAPS!

New maps have been added today

Today we added to our map collection new maps: accept1.2 (H3-AB-C), Necromancers Revenge (H3-RE-L), Flame_eng, Sword and hours, Universal Call-up (H3-SD-L), Closed clans 2003 (H3-SD-M), If I rule the world, Legion, War in Dragons a gulf (H3-SD-XL), The world and his power (H3-WG-L), Harmon's Hoard, Rebellion in Avlee, Silty Lake (H3-WG-M), Parable about the brave knight, Torrential rain, Experiment (H3-WG-S), The magic world, Enroth, Gohan (H3-WG-XL), Blown away (H4-WW-XL).Look for them in sectionNew Maps. Please, send us ONLY interesting and well-crafted maps! Vote for maps in our map catalogue and add your comments. Lowly-rated maps will be removed according to your comments after some time. We do all that we can in order to make our map catalogue the best there is.

The meeting of portal inhabitants was held in Kiev (Ukraine).

The meeting that was held in Kiev was devoted to the third anniversary of the portal. The portal team thanks all who were at the meeting and those who called and congratulated us on the phone. The report on this meeting will be soon located in the section "Portal events.". Besides some new functions have been added to "the tavern" today. We also remind  that the formation of crews for participation in the " Tournament of century " comes to an end, we ask all captains of the crews to send lists of the participants who passed elimination games.

We invite to an informal meeting on the occasion of third anniversary of the Portal.

The informal meeting of portal inhabitants on the occasion of third anniversary of creation of the Portal will take place on January 24, 13:00 in the city of Kiev. The place of the meeting is under the Stele of Independence on the Square of Independence. The organizers will be recognized by portal badges. Among honoured guests threre will be a representative of the company "Buka" and magisters who created the portal three years ago! We wait for you with presents:) Come, it will be cheerful!  If you celebrate the event at this time together with us, inform about it and send photos from this holiday, they will be placed in the reports about "portal events."

Large update of section "Maps"

Today our map collection was enriched with the following maps, most of which are multiplayer maps for 1 on 1 and 2 on 2 on-line playing, posted specially for those players, who train for the "Tournament of Century" on-line competition coming soon: Hourglass (H3RE-XL); Labyrinth; Merlin Challenge; Peace Keepers; Triumph; Valleys of War; Battle of the Worlds; Bound by Earth; Connected Worlds; Crazy Quests; Giant War; War of Nations (H3RE-M); Magort (H3AB-XL); Air or Fire (H3SD-S); Lady Butterfly SoD (H3SD-M); Endless Rain; Way to Capital (H3WG-S); Legacy of Solmyr (H3WG-M); The Last Journey (H3WG-XL); Something Like War (H4WW-S); Draconic; The Mandate of Heaven (H4-XL); Lost in Space 2.3; North vrs. South (H4-M); Robin Hood (H4-L). Look for them in the section New maps

New maps have been added today

We have added new maps today: Magicians battle (H2-H2-M), Last Chance (H2-H2-L), Heroes Lands New Begining (H3-SD-L), Duellum (H3-SD-S), Blood Fire Death, Destroyer Of Worlds, Nordland, Requiem (H3-WW-M), In the cold winds of nowhere (H4-H4-L) Simply map (H4-WW-S), Battle of friends (H3-AB-M), Treasure of the Paladin (H3-WG-L). Look for them in the section New maps Also the map Germany (H3-WG-XL) was updated. We’d like to get from you more good maps! We have to reject your maps more often. Many maps are sent in, but we locate best ones only! Remember a map will not be located because of: 1) Original 3DO map from disk! – the map is taken from original 3DO CD and sent in as if it was made by somebody else. 2) Very poor map – These are maps where we can see the following things: 1) "Square" maps and maps made on the basis of automatically generated random-maps; 2) The resources are randomly scattered on the map + bad (or no) portrayal; 3) Huge empty spaces on the map (the worst!); 4) Absence of any plot (but if it is a sole defect of the map, other factors are taken into consideration); 5) Maps with fatal bags (they can’t be gone through). Don’t try to deceive us. Remember ALL maps are manually checked by us!!! The maps base is almost ready. Here is list of maps which will be deleted soon.   Vote for maps, comment them, it will help to improve portal maps base.