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New maps

New maps were added today: Five Islands (H2-L); The Great Invasion (H3RE-XL); Confrontation (H3SD-M); Merchant's Honor, Course of King, HeroesLands - Trade Tower (H3SD-L); If I Rule the World, Land of the Great Horse, A new enemy (H3SD-XL); Four Nations, Revolution (H3WG-S); Map about Romich, Taste of the Vampire (H3WG-M); XXL (H3WG-L); Golem rebellion (H3WG-XL); Enjoy v.1.10 (H4GS-M); Feudalism, Three Shields (H4WW-M). Look for them in section "New Maps".

Additional elections ended

Sir Swamp Chaos, having got a one-vote advantage over sir Shiqou, his main rival, was elected to fill the 12th place inside the Knights of the Round Table, that was abandoned by sir Dart Vader. Maybe, the elections were won because sir Swamp Chaos voted for himself. Well, let's wish sir Shiqou to be elected next time and greet sir Swamp Chaos in our Tavern. You can find the detailed information about these elections  here.

Large update of our Storage

Our "Storage" section has been filled with various helpful prorgams and files for games Heroes III and Heroes IV.

Tournament of Century - our greetings for Heroesportal team!

Today the final tour of "Heroes II Arena" competition inside the "Tournament of Century" has been completed. This final tour was actually a match between the team of "Heroic Corner" and the team of our Portal. The team of HeroesPortal defeated the "Heroic Corner" team. We greet our valiant knights, that showed great skills and courage in this tourney: Maverick, Kama, Baobab. They already gained their prizes from our Portal. Come to our Tavern to celebrate this great news!

Knights of the Round Table - additional elections

Sir Dart Vader notified us about his intention to leave the ranks of Knights of the Round Table. In view of that, we open the additional elections in this judicial and legislative organ of our Portal. You should send your letters, marked "My Choice", to and name the one inhabitant of Heroesportal whom you consider to be worthy to occupy the 12th place that is empty for now. DON'T FORGET TO WRITE YOUR NICKNAME in the letter! So, the additional elections have begun. The voting letters, marked "My Choice", will be accepted till 28th April.

Royal Games and Knights of the Round Table

Today we made a decision about conducting "Royal Games" on our offline tournament «HeroesLands». This time Royal Games will start on custom campaigns. You'll need to download the campaign file (they will be posted here and here) and create a starting save for you yourself. While Royal Games will take place, there will be NO General Tourney, Landless Tourney and Merchants' Guild Tourney in HeroesLands! These Royal Games will be dedicated to FIRST ASSEMBLY OF KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE! And we hope, that they'll become as traditional as those Royal Games, dedicated to Magistate, that we usually conduct in autumn. The games will start after we sum up the results of last tourneys, that have just ended. What is special in this kind of competition is that all the submitted saves will be evaluated by days, and also that all saves will be divided into the groups of FIVE saves, according to the time of submitting. In each one of such groups there will be winner, who'll get the cherished feud:) Other players inside the group will get their points, divided by their place in group. There are no mines raffled in these tourneys. Check the main page of our tournaments «HeroesLands» for the official announcement of Royal Games.  

Large update of section "Maps"

New maps were added today: Falasia (H3RE-L); Blackbeard's Secret (H3RE-XL); Opportunity (H3AB-S); Island of Fortune (H3SD-M); The Town of Death (H3SD-L); COHH, Clash of Titans, Tournament Kolobok (H3SD-XL); Dendroid Girls, Inferno (H3WG-S); Lord Sombreus - Final Fight, Sabrina's Game, Merchants' Guild (H3WG-M); Valley of Might and Power (H3WG-L); Life or Death, Release, War of the Magi (H3WG-XL); Incursion (H4-S); Revival of Trade (H4GS-XL); Evil...Arise (H4WW-S); Bahdads Thief (H4WW-XL).  Look for them in section "New Maps".

New aspects of mapmaking for Heroes of Might & Magic IV

The fans of Heroes of Might & Magic IV just cannot stop to suprpise us. Today we would like to inform you about the procurements for HMM4 maps, that one of the citizens of our Portal - sir Horot creates. To speak much about them is useless - it is better to take one from here and open it with your map editor. Such procurements for maps can be made even from your photographs, like   this. We didn't post the level screenshots of those maps in purpose, because looking on those screenshots causes you to believe that this is impossible! Just download those procurements and see yourself:)

Knights of the Round Table have been elected!

Today the elections of Knights of the Round Table were completed and sumed up. During the 12 days of elections each one of Portal inhabitants could send to the Magistrate a letter with 12 nicknames of those, whom he or she considers trustworthy enough for correcting Portal rules and dealing with controversial tournament saves. Here you can get yourself acquainted with the results of the elections. Administration of Heroesportal greets the twelve chosen: Airmage, Dart Vader, Dread Cat, Duke Kirinyale, Feeria, Jerky Fox, Lazar, Morfey, Mudrik, PoisonAvi, ROLpogo, VAN and hopes, that from now our Portal will become perfect! Because from now each one of the registered inhabitants of our Portal actually has an influence upon its development. Welcome to "HeroesLands"!

Section "Clans" updated

Another clan - "Thick Bubbling Foreheaders" - was added to our section "Clans"  today.

New maps

New maps were added today: Enemies (H3AB-XL); Adventures of Elly, Archangelsk, Australia, Messiah (H3SD-XL); Reach before you are late (H3SD-L); Victory on the chess-board (H3SD-M); Alone against four, Brotherly Dereban (H3WG-S); Batman - battle for Avalon, Warrior and Devil, Like STARCRAFT (H3WG-M); Lords Without Ring, First Blood 1.3 (H3WG-XL); Contest for pearls, Country Printless (H4WW-S); The battle for the Capital (H4WW-M). Look for them in section "New Maps". Many maps - about 60% of all maps, sent to us this time - were not posted...Please, try not to send us maps, made by random map generator, badly-designed maps and maps, containing huge empty spaces - they won't be accepted.

The beginning of new era on HeroesPortal

Today, as we promised long ago, we opened the new section of our forum - "The Round Table". From now, YOU yourselves can participate in development of our Portal. Now our Portal really doesn't have any analogues in whole Internet! "Here, while standing in this circle, let us thank Creator for the deliverance he brought us. And let this circle be the symbol of our deeds. Each one standing here will be equal to another. And each one will indefatigably struggle for truth and honor" (King Arthur). Today I, the Supreme Magister of Portal, announce the beginning of elections to FIRST convocation of "Knights of the Round Table". I solemnly swear to observe the honesty of the elections. To elect and to be elected can each inhabitant of Portal. Get yourself acquainted with "The Rules of the Round Table" and give your votes to worthy ones. You can also agitate for yourself during the elections in our Tavern.

Political situation in offline tournament "HeroesLands"

Today the maps of "HeroesLands 3" and "HeroesLands 4", which display current political situation in our offline tournaments and the feuds, won by our players, were updated. All the feuds, that have recently being won, were placed on both maps and for those knights, that still haven't got a coat of arms, we added simple blue-coloured coats of arms with their names inscribed on them in order to display all the feuds on each continent, that were already conquered. When opening the maps, wait a couple of minutes for full load - the maps consist from one large picture.

Large update of section "Maps"!

Today our section "Maps" was enriched by the following scenarios: Before the Rings (H3RE-XL); The Scavenger Hunt (H3AB-S); Crush The Clans (H3AB-M); Traemask - Outpost of Progress (H3AB-L); Heroes Lands - Match, Traemask - Story of the Fool (H3SD-L); Dragonfire (H3SD-XL); Dragon Revenge (H3WG-S); Matrix, Piggy In The Middle (H3WG-M); Mines of Enroth (dedicated to the Merchant Guild of sir Sombreus), Black Friday (H3WG-L), Battle of Planes, A Dragon In My Heart (H3WG-XL); Trapped Inside The Beast (H4-S); Abducted, Dusk Tech (H4-M). Look for them in section  "New Maps".

Offline tourneys continue

Today the results of last round of our offline tournament "HeroesLands" were summarized, and in "«Hall of Glory»" we have records again. This "General Tourney" of "HeroesLands 3" recorded the biggest number of players, ever participated in one Heroesportal tourney - more than 100 (!!), and in "General Tourney" of "HeroesLands 4" there were surprizingly few participants:) - huge and interesting map "Draconic" appeared to be too complicated for some of the players. Well, new tourneys are already opened and the maps that we chose this time are much smaller:) So, join the game!