Карта "Atlantic Revolutions 2.0" к игре Герои Меча и Магии 3 Дыхание Смерти

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Atlantic Revolutions 2.0

Герои Меча и Магии III: Дыхание Смерти
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Watch our 2.0 Introducing Video: https://youtu.be/Y8jDpQAwYrw

Four years of project, three years of production, two years of release, one year anniversary of version 1.0 Map Atlantic Revolutions is proudly launching version 2.0 2023 French Revolution Anniversary Dedication Global Heroes Communities Launching On July 14
Vision through the "Le Rouge et le Noir", Whether Portal A Tale of Two Cities? The Mirth can not hide the 'Les Misérables', Knights of Pride have no Prejudice or regrets! This Magical Surrealism map will guide you in the complicated disputes into the romantic and adventurous with ideal and reality life of revolutionaries on both sides of the Atlantic to have the insight of life course. Explore the imprint of the era of Democratic Revolution in the troubled wars of North American independence, French Revolution,Napoleonic Wars and South American independence; To rekindle the fire of truth, to review the fiery days of the Revelations, to reappear the never-annihilating Wars History of the Atlantic Revolutions! Red—British Empire; Blue - France (Total Revolutionary France until the Empire); Brown - Holy Roman Empire (i.e. Habsburg Austria); Green - Tsarist Empire; Orange - Spain-Portugal dual kingdom (in fact, the two are not too related or even at war--see 1801The Spanish-Portuguese Orange War, but because this map put the characters of this period in these two countries in one camp); Purple - South American Independence Forces (Leaded by Bolivar , St. Martin ); Teal - North American Continental Army Pink - Kingdom of Sweden

Комментариев: 4 Оставить комментарий

Оставлен 13.09.2023 16:30 (11517) Kirk-M

Карта относится к игре "Рог Бездны", а не к "Дыхание смерти".

Оставлен 13.09.2023 19:32 (11518) Adarlup

У меня содовский редактор её открыл без проблем. С чего вдруг Рог Бездны?

Оставлен 14.09.2023 03:13 (11519) SIRGENT

This map is actually G size, the original map list does not support the display of the 'G' character, so show 'XL' there!{Do not attempt to use the HOTA to run the Atlantic Revolutions, as it will successfully enter the map, but there will be various version errors and errors will soon be reported! Please be sure to use Shadow of Death HD with SOD_SP patch to run the Atlantic Revolutions, so that the Atlantic Revolutions guarantee never be crashed!}

Due to the special size of the map, You need to open this map using the unleased map editor

Оставлен 14.09.2023 09:10 (11520) Kirk-M

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