The Six Factions
Герои Меча и Магии V: Владыки Севера

- Размер
- L
- Автор
- GilGil
- Людей
- 6
- Язык
- Английский
- Команд
- 0
- Комментариев
- нет (оставить)
- Игроков
- 6
- Скачиваний
- 6255
- Дата размещения карты
- 06.10.2007
- Страна автора
- Неизвестно
- Нравится / Не нравится
- 2 / 0

- Дополнительно
- Написать автору
- Поделиться
Objective: Capture all enemy towns Player Area Information: - Each player starts with 1 town - There are 3 towns at each player area (2 neutral and 1 owned by the player totalling to 18 on the map) Points of Entry: - There are 4 points of entry at each player area - Paths lead to the 2 adjacent player areas - 1 monolith teleports heroes to the furthest player area - 1 subterranean gate leads to an underground subway that connects to all player areas - The keymaster tent is required for access to the Tear of Asha
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