Tourney news archive

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Tourney news archive

Points have been added

Points and mines have been added for Landless Tourney. Results can be seen in participants' forms

The tourney is open!

The next Landless Tourney is open.

The tourneys results have been sumed up!

The results of landless are in Hall of Glory.

A starting save of Common (Main) tourney with bonuses bought in the Market is sent

A starting save of Common (Main) tourney with bonuses bought in the Market is sent to all players having some property. Players who have a rank Noble are sent a save only with  artefacts bought in the Market according to "Ranks rules". If you find some errors or you don't get the save, write to  [email protected]. ATTENTION: nobody will be added an "Potion of Imorlati " of air to saves as it will be taken away from the list of available artefacts. All owners of "Potion of Imorlati" will be given the compensation at the rate of its existent price.

A starting save of Common (Main) tourney with bonuses bought in the Market is sent

A starting save of Common (Main) tourney with bonuses bought in the Market is sent to all players having some property. Players who have a rank Noble are sent a save only with  artefacts bought in the Market according to "Ranks rules". If you find some errors or you don't get the save, write to  [email protected]. ATTENTION: nobody will be added an "artefact book" of air to saves as it will be taken away from the list of available artefacts. All owners of "book of air" will be given the compensation at the rate of its existent price.

The tourneys results have been sumed up!

The results of landless, merchant  and common (main) tourneys are in Hall of Glory.

Tourneys have been open!

The next Landless Tourney, Merchant Tourney, Common Tourney and Tournament Amazons  are open. Play! In these royal games can play ONLY GIRL registered on portal up to 05.08.2003 ã

The section Feuds Maps has been open

Now you can see your feuds on maps of our Lands if you follow links under maps at that page or using this link "HERE ARE FEUDS OF HeroesLands 3"!!!

The section Feuds Maps has been open.

Now you can see your feuds on maps of our Lands if you follow links under maps at that page or using this link "HERE ARE FEUDS OF HeroesLands 3"!!!

Tourneys have been open!

The next Landless Tourney, Merchant Tourney, Common Tourney and Tournament Amazons  are open. Play! In these royal games can play ONLY GIRL registered on portal up to 05.08.2003 ã

