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Tourney news archive

Duels have been open

The duels between Maverick&vadim99, Havr&Vicont we are waiting for your bets. Current duels bets were also announced.

Duels have been open

The duels between shay tan&Horot,lowalex&Twilight Knight have been open, we are waiting for your bets. Current duels bets were also announced.

Duels have been open

The duels between Yokozun&Crazy Kolobok, Bakster&VAN, Lazar&White, LESSONS OF EVIL&Poseydon we are waiting for your bets. Current duels bets were also announced.

Duels results are summed up and new duels are open

Today results of the duel Miron&Ganelon have been summed up. Arrobas and feuds were added on this duel. Two new duels were open ROLpogo&Maverick and Defender&ScorpionSP. These duels seem to be forerunners of Clans war. We expect your bets.

Duels results are summed up

Today results of the duel  shay tan&Aaz have been summed up. Arrobas and feuds were added on this duel.

Results were summed up and points were added

Today the duels results Andre&VVS and JeFF&lowalex have been summed up. Arrobas and feuds were added on these duels. Winnings for Common, Landless and Merchant Guild Tourneys were also added..

Results were summed up and points were added

Today the duels results Poseydon&Mudrik and Crazy Kolobok&Morfey have been summed up.Arrobas were added on the duel Crazy Kolobok&Morfey but there was a program error while summarizing the duel results Poseydon&Mudrik and all duel bets disappeared. All who betted on sir Mudrik write to  [email protected] mentioning your nick and the sum betted on him, your winnings will be added. We expect your consciousness and understanding of the situation. Don’t forget that the attempts of cheating the magistrate are punished severely !!!

CH tourneys are going on

We are glad to announce you about opening the next CH tourney Play it and enjoy!

CH tourneys are going on

We are glad to announce you about opening the next CH tourney Play it and enjoy!

Results have been summed up and Royal games are open

Common, Merchant Guild and Landless tourneys results have been summed up. You can see the results in the Hall of Glory. Arrobas will be added on these tourneys a little later. Sorry for this delay but it is because of holidays. "Royal games" are open. While these tourneys being conducted, there will not be other tourneys!

