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Useful improvements

Today we've slightly improved the navigation system of the main page. But still, don't forget to use the dropdown menus. :)
Also, there are substitutions in the clans "Black Bone" and "3-d Paladins' Gonfalon".

Online and Offline Tournaments are now united on the Heroes Portal!

The feud maps' updating for the offline and online tourneys of the Third Lands is complete!
The following Lands has been added:
From now on, the feud maps will be common for both kinds of the game. Players will be able to win online feuds in special online duels or tourneys or lose them in the same way. Our «Heroes Lands» page will be also a common place for us to tell the news of both offline and online tourneys being conducted on the Portal. Visit it now, for there are some fresh online news to read.
And there are also some good news for all the inhabitants of the Heroes Lands 3. Today we start conducting official duels again, now with new duel rules. We are waiting for the challenging letters from feud ownes. !!!Attention!!! According to the new rules, a duel is possible only if your feud is shown on the map. Unfortunately, the automation is not ready yet, so your bets will be published with some delay.

Continent maps updated:

Today we've updated the feud maps of the following continents in the Third Lands:
The following continents' maps are still to be updated for us to be able to start conducting the duels according to the new rules: Tower, Rampart, Dungeon.

The Fourth Council of Knights of the Round Table is elected!

Today the Fourth Council of the Knights of the Round Table has been elected. It consists of Sirs Crazy Kolobok, Maverick, SanD, SerGUN, Shang Tsung, VAN, Zundel, and Ladies Jerky Fox, Light Wing, Malaya, Morvena, Poison Avi. As you can see, almost half of the Knights are Ladies, so let's hope that such a council gives birth to many new ideas in the Heroes Lands. 127 inhabitants of the Heroes Portal took part in the voting. The details may be found here.

Useful improvements

Today we added two files to our Storage. They may prove very useful for offline and online tournaments, as they allow you to rename the autosave files. Also, the Main Rules of our offline-tournaments are now updated according to all the decisions by the Knights of the Round Table. The Duel Rules have changed significantly as well. Also, we moved the Knight's Table to a brighter place in our Tavern, so that everyone interested in playing online on the Portal may gather at it.

Online gaming at Heroes Portal

Today Sir chekist joined our team. He will be conducting Heroes of Might and Magic IV online tournaments on our Portal.

Heroes Portal life

We still offer our cooperation to everybody interested in joining the Heroes Portal team and developing the Heroes of Might and Magic III online-gaming on our portal. The details may be found here (unfortunately, this information is available only in Russian).

We also remind, that the voting for the Knights of the Round Table of fourth convocation is on. It will be over on October, 12. So be sure to send a letter with your votes to in time.

An unusual tournament is open today in the Heroes Lands. It's originality is that the version of the game being played is Heroes of Might and Magic I. So, let's recall the days of our youth together! Make haste, and send a letter of inquiry to, to get the starting save. The details about the tournament can be also learned via this address. The fund of the tournament has already reached 2700@. Join us, for where else could you play a tourney on Heroes of Might and Magic I? ;-)

Huge update of section "Maps"

Today we finally finished posting a large number of maps, sent to us in September.
Here they go: Arena, Argument (H2-S); Bad Luck (H2-M); Bubovsk, Four Lakes (H2-L); Avatar, Coopwar, Dragon Passes, Edfupupi Lah, Elric, Foot Ball, Giant Warlord, Icengard, In Outer Space, Land of Giants (H2-XL); Dispute, Falandar, Secret of Pandora, Two Barbarians, Vurdalak (H3SD-S); Edinorogos, Four Destroyers, Four Kings (H3SD-M); Attack Here, Once Upon a Zombie, Temple of the Damned (H3SD-L); Angel of Vengeance, Barbarian vs. All, Damned Heritage, Darkness Attacks, Flying over penguin nest, Jedi Story, Talurian, Operation Grail (H3SD-XL); Toran Rift (H3WG-S); Four Islands, The Witch (H3WG-M); Hey Brother (H3WG-L); Day of the Yellow, Deadly Dozen, Pirates of Caribbean Sea (H3WG-XL); Rebellion in the capital city (H4WW-S); Helm, Tournament 2 (H4WW-M); No more Shire, The World is not enough, Neener Cloak, Spy (H4WW-L); Miscreants, Strages, Sword of the Gods (H4WW-XL).

Heroes Portal life

Today, maps of the following continents has been updated:
As you can see, now they have a really outstanding looks. Also, the new "Duel Rules" are prepared and ready for the making-up. Now we'll just have to wait until they are posted up, and the rest of the continents are updated, - and then we'll be finally able to start conducting the duels again. Alas, still in manual mode.

We offer our cooperation to everybody interested in joining the Heroes Portal team and developing the Heroes of Might and Magic III online-gaming on our portal. The details may be found here. (Unfortunately, this information is available only in Russian for now.)

Big changes to the "Clans" section

Today we registered a new clan - Keepers of the Holy Sword. Now there are 14 clans in Heroes Lands.
Also, there are some changes to the lineup of the Phantoms of War clan. Sir Antoshka was substituted by Sir SanD, and Sir Lazar by Sir Morra.
Today we have sumed up the results of the Big Clan War, during which we could watch the battles between six clans. Also, according to these results, the clans' property was transferred. You may watch the results here,here and here.

Clan MIB had lost to clan 3rd Paladins’ Gonfalon:
1 feud from Sir pool transfered --> to Sir VAN
1 feud from Sir FAL transfered --> to Lady Ash
1 feud from Sir Mudrik transfered --> to Sir Horot
1 feud from Sir SerGUN transfered --> to Sir Kalkut
1 feud from Sir Shiqou transfered --> to Sir Logan Warbringer

Clan The Masters of Elemental Forces had won at clan Phantoms of War:
1 feud from Sir Maverick transfered --> to Sir banan
1 feud from Sir Ganelon transfered --> to Sir MaximusX
1 feud from Sir Lazar transfered --> to Sir Navuchodonosor
1 feud from Sir Antoshka transfered --> to Sir Typucm
1 feud from Sir Wiedzmin transfered --> to Sir Veanner

Clan The Guardians of the Last Time had lost to clan 5th Bastion:
1 feud from Sir Onegogsan transfered --> to Sir Shang Tsung
1 feud from Sir EVSey transfered --> to Sir Bakster
1 feud from Sir Genterius transfered --> to Sir Mister First
1 feud from Lady Light Wing transfered --> to Sir Poseydon
1 feud from Sir Sugutor transfered --> to Sir Zundel

The elections of the fourth convocation of the Knights of the Round Table had begun.

"Here, while standing in this circle, let us thank Creator for the deliverance he brought us.
And let this circle be the symbol of our deeds.
Each one standing here will be equal to another.
And each one will indefatigably struggle for truth and honor."
(King Arthur).

Today I, the Supreme Magister of Portal, announce the beginning of elections to the FOURTH convocation of the Knights of the Round Table. I solemnly swear to observe the honesty of the elections. Remember:
1) In your voting letter you can write up to 12 nicknames of those whom you consider worthy of being elected as the Knights of the Round Table;
2) Remember, that only citizens that have rank "Knight" and ABOVE can be elected;
3) Don't forget to sign your letter with your correctly spelled nickname in English;
4) Letters with your votes you should send to

A new poll and a new magister

Today we call your attention to a new poll about using non-combat spells on the adventure map of Heroes of Might and Magic.
Also, Sir Dante joined our team today. He will be responsible for the graphical design of the Heroes Portal.


Today in the Storage we have updated the file "Hero-recruiting Agent or HeroDigger-3", now the version is 2.3. File name have not been changed. Good luck in hiring the Heroes you need! :)
Also, today Magister Sombreus has left our team. Remember, that the attributes are now being handled by Magister Kirinyale Goldfire.

Changes to the HeroesPortal team

Sir Silver Lynx and Sir Sargon stopped working on our project today. They are leaving the team. Sir Kirinyale Goldfire started working in our team, and we hope, that with his help, our English part will continue its rapid development.  Also, he will be helping with posting Your attributes at our portal. So, if You still don't have your attributes posted into Your profile, please send them additionally to (Do not send RAR archives to this address!)

Fabrice Cambounet, the official representative of Ubisoft, answered the questions about Heroes 5 beta-testing

Here is a little bit of statistics about the first 16 days of registration of Heroes V beta-testers. About 50Number of registration requests per country:
USA = 2795 (18%)
Germany = 1788 (12%)
France = 1721 (11%)
Russia = 960 (6%)
Poland = 878 (6%)
China = 821 (5%)
Israel = 814 (5%)
Canada = 720 (5%)
Next in countries list are Finland, Spain, Romania, United Kingdom, Hungary, Sweden, Australia and Denmark. A total of 28% requests from Western Europe plus 16% from Eastern Europe against 23% from both Northern and Southern America.
The average age of beta-testers is a little bit beyond 24 years (ranged from 11 to 74). More than 9 out of 10 played Warcraft, more than 8 out of 10 - AoE and more than 6 out of 10 - Civilization. More than 90% played HMM3 or HMM4.
English and French beta-testers are a little older (25, 26) than Russians and Spanish ones (23). Polish and Israeli testers are mor ejunior (19-21 in average). Among the fans the Russians are the most active ones, coming ahead of Polish and English fans in total number of games played in all game versions.
Among 89% of the candidates, who played HMM3, 10% never played HMM4. Among 83%, played HMM4, 4% never played HMM3, so HMM3's lead is unsignificant.
Each one of five candidates played Equilibris, while about two of five played WoG. There are also three candidates, who played all the related games (all three are Americans).
The beta-testing will start next week and will last for two months. Approximate system requrements for HMM5 Beta are: Pentium IV 2 GGz, 512 MB of memory, video card of ATI 9700 - Ge5600 level or higher. Ubisoft claims that these are just the requirements for non-optimized beta version and that the final game version will be much more compact. A size of beta version is 500-600 MB. Only multiplayer mode will be tested. All the games will be played only through the server, no hotseat will be available before the release of the final version.
Multiplayer game supports up to 8 players. Lucky candidates, selected for beta-testing, will be informed via e-mail 2 days before the beginning of the beta-testing. There are several updates of the beta version expected, and after each update additional beta-testers will be recruited. Each update will contain new multiplayer maps and new gameplay modes.
A special version of StarForce will protect the beta-version. The beta will contain all the game elements, including all 6 races. There are about 40 spells available in the game, and all of them will be in the beta (perhaps, each update will come with more spells).
The process of beta-testing will be duscussed on Ubisoft special discussion boards, and only there.
The major goal of beta-testing is to optimize the balance within the game, so we expect more official information about all the races of HMM5 00 registered during the first 24 hours and a total of 15000 registered up to now.