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New maps

Today we completed another scheduled update of our section Maps, which was restocked with new works: Babylon (H2-L), H2Duel, H2Duel 2, Queen of Gold, Queen of Gold 2 (H2-XL); Holy Wars (H3SD-M); Gobelin (H3SD-L); The story about Robocop (H3WG-M); Northern War, Risen from the Hell (H3WG-L); Rise of Dead Zealot (H3WG-XL); Battle for resources, Unlucky Chris (H4WW-S); Escape from Axeoth, One versus one (H4WW-M); Fantasy Town, Devil and Satanas (H4WW-XL).

Maps section updated again

Today we updated our Maps section, posting the following works: Steal and Slay (H2-XL); Treasure (H3RE-S); Strength of Swamp (H3SD-S); Adventure of Zydar, Adventures of Kolizey, Fountain of Youth, Terra Incognita (H3SD-M); Knight of Light, Knight of Darkness, Sell Sword, Regal Trapper (H3SD-L); Games of Gods, Shield and Sword, Daughter of King (H3SD-XL); Separated by Earthquake (H3WG-XL); Gatekeepers (H4WW-L); World of Enroth (H5TE-XXL).

New maps

Today we updated our Maps section with the following works: Castigare v.2, Way to Heroeslands (H3SD-S); Centaur Matrimonial Games 1.2, The Beginning of 4th Epoch (H3SD-XL); Dead Land (H3WG-M); War of the Gods (H3WG-XL); Egmont Quest, Prince Robert (H4-M); Love and War, Rainbow (H4WW-XL).

New maps

Finally, we posted a bunch of new maps. We are sorry for inconvenience - our Maps section experienced some technical problems, but we fixed them all.
These are the works submitted and posted: Small, Avalon (H2-S); Necroking (H2-XL); Terra Incognita, Terra Incognita MP (H3AB-M); Eternal Lie (H3SD-M); Elbow close but unreachable (H3SD-L); Kor 2, Kor 3, Centaur Matrimonial Games, Off We Go (H3SD-XL); Elves, Demons and Mages, Sparring, One on One (H3WG-M); Brooch, I saw an Angel (H4WW-M); The Druid (H4WW-L); Griffin Rock (H5TE-S).

The Jubilee Maps section update: 3000 maps on HeroesPortal!

Today we updated our section "Maps" with the ones, sent to us in December, and by this update we reached the jubilee number of maps in our collection - 3000! We wish our dear mapmakers and visitors Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope to continue getting the best maps in next year!

Here is the list of maps posted: Arcade v1.9, Battle for the Middle, The Big River Flows (H3SD-M); Trunk Jewel (H3SD-L); Giovanni and the Bog lords (H3SD-C); Save Carelia, The Peacemaker (H3SD-C); Heroic Weekdays, World of Swords (H3WG-M); Dark Side of the Moon (H3WG-XL); Gang of Two (H5TE-M); Walking Dead (H5TE-XL).

New maps and campaigns

Today we updated our Maps section again. Here are the new maps: Ascension2 (H3RE-M); Resurrection of Darkness (H3SD-S); Life is Struggle, Light vs. Darkness (H3SD-M); A Journey to the Unknown, Defender of Mynos (H3SD-XL); A Battle with Dragon (H3SD-C); Linkin Park (H3WG-L); Abelia, WWII Supernova (H3WG-XL); Ingermanland (H4WW-XL); Dwarf's Quest (H4WW-C); Virgin of Ponce III (H5TE-M); City of Gold (H5TE-L).

Huge HMM3 maps update

HMM3 remains the most popular Heroes game! This huge maps update, consisting totally of HMM3 maps, proves it: Eternal Love (H3AB-C); Hot and Cold, The Road to Glory, Khan Toptygin-3, Two Ramparts vs. Stronghold, Two Castles vs. Conflux, Stronghold vs. Fortress, Rampart vs. Dungeon, Inferno vs. Dungeon, Duel Mursel, Castle vs. Tower vs. Fortress, Castle vs. Castle, Beating your neighbor 1 (H3SD-S); Hold the Center, Castle vs. Necropolis x2, Castle vs. Rampart vs. Fortress, Conflux x2. vs. Castle, COK, Legendary Sword (H3SD-M); Erik The Viking (H3SD-L); Madness, The Beginning of End, The Last Battle, School War (H3SD-XL); Infiltration, Exile (H3WG-S); Kingdom of Gendor, The Sarngore Battle, In the Land of Undead, The Last Blood (H3WG-M); Angel Madness (H3WG-XL).

Several new maps

Today we publish several new maps that we have recently got: Undead Castle (H2-M); Arrogance (H3SD-M); Ragnar 2 - End of the World, Ragnar 3 - The Lost Empire, Way of the Lords (H3SD-XL); We All Want (H3WG-XL); Battle against Life (H4WW-L); Mercenaries (H5TE-L).

Several more fan maps

Large update of our section Maps is closed by these several works we got in very recent days: Xeron Lives (H3AB-XL); Sands of Desert (H3SD-S); Stones, Fields & Mud, Treasure Island, Wandering Genie (H3SD-M); Livonian Wars, Ragnar - The Quest (H3SD-XL); Long Pikes (H3WG-S); Warlord Reign (H3WG-M); Landless Tournament (H4WW-S); The Fallen Star (H4WW-M); Orcs of Might & Magic (H4WW-C).

Section "Maps" updated again

Today we finished updating our section Maps, adding the following works:
Strengthen - Guild Wars, Long Journey, The Balkans (H3SD-XL); Divided and Hateful (H3SD-M); Mineral Wars (H3RE-L); Fantasy - Heroes III Forever (H3WG-XL);
Ulysia, New fire war, Truth and Justice (H4WW-XL); Mysterio the Magnificent, On a Necromancer Trail (H4WW-L); Fireball, Forgotten War (H4-L); A Land in Chaos (H4-S); Treasure Land (H4GS-M);
Jackdaw Jake, Anwyl Die Veste des Feuers (ger), Anwyl Die Veste des Feuers (rus), Imperator (H5HF-L); Marriage of Discord, Marriage of Discord (eng) (H5HF-M); Qualmende Insel, Just a lady (H5-M);

Section "Maps" updated

Today we finished updating our section "Maps", adding the following maps:
Art War (Triple Coalition), Art War (Build The Arc), Audacious Desires, Before The Dawn, Dawn Of Tears, Die Hard, Lord Daniel, Lord Of The Dwarfs, Multiwar, Surprise for KingSlayer, The Last Castle, The Passage of The Undead, Warrior Of ice (H3WG-XL), Lesson Artilery (H3WG-S), Endless Struggle (H3SD-XL), The way we Live now (H3SD-L), Travar (H3AB-M);
To the Death (H2-S), Aegis Peninsula, Riot control (H2-M), Dominion (H2-L), Great Sea War (H2-XL);
Leonel (H4-XL), Revenge (H4WW-S), mysceletons (H4WW-L), Lion's Muzzle (H4WW-M), Oziriz-The Big Hunting (H4WW-XL);
Altered Twins, Das Bundnis der Schlangen (H5-M), Das Wagnis (H5-S), Avalon, Sorcerer's Isle (Alies) (H5HF-L).

New maps

During Christmas and New Year holidays we didn't post any maps. However, all the holidays ended and the first maps of 2008 appeared on our Portal at last:)
Here they are: Prism (H2-M); Mini Epic (H3SD-S); Idilion, Wind of Change (H3SD-M); Archipelago Kingdom, Kuzya, Middle Earth 4, Operation Search (H3SD-XL); Dark Mission (H3WG-S); True Lies 1.1 (H3WG-XL); Land of the Dead, New World, Remember It All (H4WW-M); Arctic Empires, Atlantic Empires, Big Teddy Bear Charge, Four Halflings of Apocalypse, Oziris HD, Swamp Heroes (H4WW-XL); Conquer (H5TE-M); Eternal Peace, Seven Lakes ToE (H5TE-XL).

New maps

Today we posted a bunch of maps, sent us in October. Among them there are various scenarios for every one of HMM series games - from HMM1 to HMM5.

The list of maps posted: Charbon, Golden Horns, Lion Share (H1-STD); Suprvixen (H2-M); The Treason (H2-L); Destiny (H2-XL); Border Conflict, Facing Death (H3SD-S); Sign on a way (H3SD-M); Elimination, In search for Phoenix (H3SD-L); Sword Saga, The Way to Recognition, Unwelcomed Guest 2.1, Wrath of Elves (H3SD-XL); The Arena, The Decisive Battle 2 (H3WG-S); Battle for the Medusa Island, Lost World 2 (H3WG-M); Autumn - Bull Hunt Season (H3WG-L); Vengeance 2 (H3WG-XL); Mercury (H4WW-M); Cemetery (H5HF-M); The Empire (H5TE-M).

Feud maps update

We have updated the feud maps in Heroes Lands II, III, IV and V. If you have any question about the feud maps, you can ask Lady Ara, who is responsible for this section.
Be patient until all the images are loaded. By clicking on a small preview image, you will open the full-sized feud map.

Large update of section "Maps"

During September we got more maps than in two or three previous months. Furthermore, this update presents different maps for all five HoMM games: Enchanted Forest, Heroes, Paladin sword, Shield and Sword, Way of the hero (H1); Vengeance (H2-S); Animages (H2-M); Under One Another (H3SD-S); Ukrainian Wars (H3SD-L); Death in Tatalia (H3SD-XL); Amnesia (H3WG-L); Aniconic, Dream 1.54L, Just a Map, PCNT (H3WG-XL); Order and Chaos (H4WW-S); Auto Portrait, Explorer, Woman sun (H4WW-L); The beginning of end 2 (H4WW-C); Bk The School, The Cloverleaf War, The Virgin of Ponce 2, Zandragar Stratagem (H5HF-M); Lord Garrick Stahlrad, Shadow Dreams, The Six Factions (H5HF-L).