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About Heroes Portal Tournaments.

We would like to remind that the following offline tournaments are carried out on our Portal: HMM2, HMM3 (main tournaments have just finished, but they will be open soon again). Heroes of Might and Magic III online Tournament
Online tournament “Summer war” in this category. The details are here.  Also we negotiate a tournament between
Also tournaments between Heroes Portal and «Jaskina Bhemota» (Poland) (this tournament will take place on September 1) and Drachenwald (Germany) (this tournament will be open soon) are negotiated. Besides, we are carrying out a friendly match with a team of Moscow physical and technical institute.
Heroes of Might and Magic IV online tournament
It has been just finished:-)
Real time Heroes of Might and Magic III Tournament
A friendly tournament is about to be over in club Virtual Portal in Kiev.  Prizes of the tournament: cards to play in the club, DVD with all series of Heroes and beer.

Meetings of heroesportal inhabitants in reality.

The meeting of portal inhabitants took place in Moscow (Russia) on June 25, 2005.  And today we invite you to meet on July 2005 in Kiev (Ukraine). There will be Silver Lynx (Moscow Russia), Sombreus (Kiev Ukraine), portal administrators, and Gorbik (Kiev Ukraine), manager of the project Heroes Portal. A guest specially invited to this meeting is the manager of the project Ãåðîè 4 Equilibris. We expect to see you there too. The place and time of the meeting will be is announced soon. Come! You will have a good time ;)

Another big update of section "Maps"!

More than 40 new maps and campaigns were posted today.
Here they are: Pudu Bog (H3RE-S); Agraine's Vale, Dragon Galore, Dukeout, Hellfire, Murwyth Tor, Powerhouses, Spice of Life (H3RE-M); Alluvia, Lords of the Underworld, Sea of Ehreddia (H3RE-L); Great Underground Lake (H3RE-XL); Eight, Liberation War, Oasis, Templars vs. Leha (H3SD-S); Bioma Land, Five is The Principle, Going Gold, War with Barbarian Horde (H3SD-M); Dragon Assault, In-Yan (H3SD-L); All you want, Fire Into Ice, Hellaen, Unity (H3SD-XL); Plan Breaker (H3SD-C); Ambassador's Sash, Fatherland (H3WG-S); Surrounded by Light Ones (H3WG-M); New Pirates 1.1, Restart (H3WG-L); Dragon Isle, Dragon Shield, Hell Road, Mary WoG, The Ultimate Threat, War with Evil (H3WG-XL); A Russian guy 2, Adventures of Mikola Pohmelkin (H4WW-S); Bankruptcy 1.1, Crucible v1.1, Imperial Prison 1.7, Iron Man 1.1 (H4WW-M); Training Grounds, Warada Mudru (H4WW-L); Forgotten Realms (H4WW-XL).

Storage section updated

Today our Storage section was enriched by a special Excel file, which helps players calculate points in Heroes of Might & Magic IV.â

Huge update of section "Maps"!

More than 50 new maps and campaigns were posted today. Here they are:
Below the Belt 1.1 (H3RE-S); Border Defense, Dandar, Fourplay (H3RE-M); Khelataar (H3RE-L); Greyhawk, The Alliance, The Pen and the Sword (H3RE-XL); Bloodrules (H3AB-S); Monster Island 1.01, The Black Hand 2, Prodigal (H3AB-XL); Gold or Death, Plot, Search for Coat of Arms (H3SD-S); Help the Nature, Survival (H3SD-M); Dragon Terror (H3SD-L); Crawind, Erdovo, Gwynn Ap Nudd, War not Peace (H3SD-XL); Elixir for Queen (H3SD-C); Battle of Two, Seven Circles (H3WG-S); Adjudication, After Storm, Clan Wars, Magogs Border, The Unknown 2.1, Underdogs (H3WG-M); Adventure after night (H3WG-L); Felix Ferrum - Life for King (H3WG-C); A Russian guy, Adventures of Orrin 2, Black and White, Revenge of Hawk, Sacred Hunt, Two Villages (H4WW-S); Battle for Nature, Flag of Freedom, Heroesportal 1.0, Tumbledown Order 1.3, ZmineZ 1.1 (H4WW-M); A Delta 1.1, Cosyakovo against clans, Cursing Fairy Tale, Fedor Mihalic 2 (H4WW-L); Battle Land 1.0, Crazy Land (H4WW-XL); Dream (H4WW-C).

After this update the number of works in our Maps section exceeded 2000! Come to our Tavern to celebrate together with us!

New poll for HeroesPortal visitors

Today we open a new poll. Its goal is to fond out whether tourneys you like the most:) Please, participate in this poll.

New maps and campaigns

New maps and campaigns were posted today: Play like Logan (H2-L); Breaking the Border, Fall of Lordaeron, Inhabitants of Two Worlds (H3SD-S); Angels, Desert Jazz, Fifth War, War for Peace (H3SD-M); Usual Work (H3SD-L); Abilities, Abracadabra Capra, A Dream of Mr. Defoe, Clan Nachtwelt - Great War, Four Sons, HeroesLands - Alarm, Last Real Heretic, Undead and Sadists, War of Races 2, Wild Lands - Plains of Elders (H3SD-XL); Assignment of Titan (H3SD-C); Knife, Wolf and Wizard (H3WG-XL); World Leader (H4-XL); Adventures of Orrin (H4WW-S); Electro, Sauron, Warlock (H4WW-M); Enchantment, Final Conflict, Stories about Peasants, Lords and Castles, The Chosen Ones War (H4WW-XL).

New section of HeroesPortal opened

Today we opened a new section of our portal - Maps for «Heroes of Might & Magic IV Equilibris». From now on, we accept the maps for this version as well.

Portal news

Today the clan "Dead poets community" was broken up. Check our section "Clans" in order to see all the changes. Right now there are 12 clans in HeroesLands.

Also, today we ask you to help us choosing the name for the fractional part of our monetary unit - the Arroba (represented by the sign @). Our purpose is not renaming the Arroba - in fact, we are going to create a new, smaller monetary unit - arroba will still be the main currency of HeroesLands, but it will consist of 100 units, that will be called by the name you should help us to choose:) We decided to introduce this fractional part of arroba because it is impossible to realize the "property aging" project, while the market of HeroesLands is overloaded with huge monetary mass. You can get acquainted with all new suggestions, approved by the Magistrate, in our "Tavern".

Players of offline tournament HeroesLands, attention, please

Dear players of offline tournament HeroesLands. Today all players profiles are marked with “unable” in the point “to get initial save with property”. We ask everyone, who wants to continue to get initial saves with property, to visit his/her profile and to mark the point there.  Otherwise, saves will not be sent you out. This is done to OPTIMIZE our efforts to make up initial saves with property. Please inform your acquaintances playing our offline tournament. Don’t forget to “unable”  the point “to get initial save with property” in your profile if you leave the portal for a long time or you can’t play, you’ll do us a good service by that.

Our offline tournament continue developing

Dear citizens of HeroesPortal! If today you noticed, that pointing on your property in your profile reveals a message -"Durability 10\0", you don't need to worry. These are just tests that we run in order to improve our tournament system. The eventual goal of this testing is adding a new parameter - durability of player's property - to our tourneys. It means that each mine, artifact of monster you own will be granted a "lifetime", which will last 10 common tourneys, PLAYED by you. For example, you have a Black Dragon and its "lifetime" is 10 common tourneys. You participated in all these common tourneys and this black dragon was taken from your profile afterwards. Did you participate in tournaments or not, we'll measure according to the tables in Hall of Glory.
By adding this function we shall finally make player property "real" - the items and artifacts will break and lose durability, so you'll need to buy new ones:) We know, that some of you might disagree with our innovation, but, in fact, this idea was not ours - it was created by PLAYERS themselves:)

New maps

New maps were posted today: Pacman (H2-L); Ruler of Vanadia (H3RE-XL); Revenge, World of Dragons (H3SD-S); Between two rivers (H3SD-M); April Battles, Heroic deed of a spy, World of the LotR (H3SD-L); River Lord, Wryce Clan 1.1 (H3SD-XL); Beefstake (H3WG-S); Genesis 3, Winter Charge (H3WG-XL); Magic Oak (H4GS-M); Castle, To find the Grail (H4WW-S); Barbarian War (H4WW-M); Civil War, Queen of Blade (H4WW-XL).

International on-line tournament between "Heroes Portal" and "Jaskinia Behemota".

Today we have started preparing for international «Heroes of Might and Magic III The Shadow of Death» on-line tournament between our portal and a polish internet resource «Jaskinia Behemota». The managers holding the same views as we do from «Jaskinia Behemota» agreed to carry out such a tournament and now we invite you to take part in it. To participate in it you need only wish and ability of playing this game on-line and besides knowledge in English or Polish languages as these languages will be mainly used while carrying out this tournament. Every site will be presented by 8 players from each side who will be divided into pairs and every participant will present " Heroes Portal " or "Jaskinia Behemota".  At the end of the tournament a table like this will be made and the winner will be sent in a diploma from "Heroes Portal" by mail proving his victory in this tournament. You can begin to discuss rules of the tournament in our English Tavern (for that purpose a topic will be open there). To take part in this tournament you should write  In the letter you should write your nickname registered on "Heroes Portal", country of residence, and also to attach a photo or an avatar which will be posted in the table of tournament results. A tournament presenter responsible for carrying out this tournament will be chosen among the participants.

The design and the "About Us" page have been updated

Today we have all reasons for celebrations, because we finally succeeded to update the design of our Portal. For the comfort of our visitors we also improved the navigating system of our site.
This was a great and laborous effort of our team - our working collective, whom we proudly represent you today. The section «About Us»  was enhanced and updated, so now you can easily find out, who does what on our Portal, and contact the right team member, if you need some help or assistance.

New screenshots of Heroes of Might and Magic V

The new HoMM5 screenshots have vastly spread over the network, causing Ubisoft to submit and finally post them on their official