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New maps have been added today

Dragonlord - H2, XL; Great War II - H2, XL; Missions - H2, XL; The Soul Maze - H2, XL; Ultima X - H2, XL, and Faction Wars - H2, XL, dedicated to unions and orders of Heroes Lands.

July is time of events

We remind you that  a real Heroes of M&M III Shadow of Death tournament will take place on July 5 in the city of Omsk (Russia) with the support of our portal. The prize fund of this tournament is about 1000 USD. An inofficial meeting of portal inhabitants will be in the city of Kiev (Ukraine) on July 4-5. A representative of the company "Buka",   official distributor of the game Heroes of M&M III in Ukraine and Russia, Rudenko Sergei (Community-manager) will be at this meeting. It is a good opportunity for journalists to receive answers to their questions,  such as " How will relations of the company "Buka" and "3Do" develop in the light of  bankruptcy of "3Do"?:). If you want to take part in this meeting, write to Come! It will not be boring! Details of these meetings you’ll find in the section Portal events.

New maps have been added

New maps have been added: "The Menace", "Alexandra The Great" (Heroes4 WoW, XL), "Ñontinental War 1.2" (Heroes3 AB, XL), "The Empire of The World II", "Four Possibilities" (Heroes3 SoD, XL). Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

New maps have been added: Attack (H3-SD-L), Dead Dragon (H3-SD-M), The Demons Below (H3-SD-XL), Grave World, Recent Feud (H4-GS-L), Accidental Hero, Dispute of Neighbours, Dronchik, The_Falcon_of_Victory v1.4 (H4-GS-M), Queen_Sudba, Two Rams v3.0 (H4-GS-S), Island of Sunrise v 1.1, Knights of fohrty islands (H4-H4-M), Everything is in center, Last_Crusade, Two Enemies (H4-H4-S), The founders of the disorder (H4-WW-XL)Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

New maps have been added: Perfect rules, The Barons of Heroes Lands (H3-SD-L), Joint dragons (H3-SD-S), Axis of Time, darknes (H4-GS-S), trust_legends (H4-H4-M). Look for them in the section new maps

A tournament in Omsk (Russia)

The "Heroes of  Might and Magic The Shadow of Death" tournament will take place on July in the city of Omsk (Russia). The tournament will be conducting  by Federation of computer sport of Russia in the internet club "Poligon" with the support of our portal. The prize fund is about 1000 dollars. You can learn the details in the section Portal events

New maps have been added

The maps section has been replenished today. All maps are for Heroes 3.5 (WoG) Kings of ring (L), The Land of lost magic (M), Damadar's_bottle, Kalkut (S), Two Strongholds3 (XL). It’s strange that authors of those maps has sent their maps for WOG this week as though all of them arranged about it.  Perhaps, creation of maps using ERM scripts is easier than creation of maps for Heroes 4 in the editor using scripts put in it. But it can be discussed in the “Tavern”! And new maps you’ll find in the section new maps

The off-line tourney is going on!

The results of the next landless tourney and duels are sumed up. You can see the results in Hall of Glory

The section of maps has been replenished

The addition of the most maps is devoted to the game Heroes 3.5 (WoG). Maps of all sizes have been added The Death of Dracon (H3WG-S), Undegraund (H3-WG-M), Boloto, The boiler a witch (H3WG-L), The Battle (H3WG-XL). The map The Lords of Heroes Lands (H3SD-M) has been also added. The subject of this map is interesting by the fact that it is devoted to Lords, players of our off-line tourney

New sections have been open

Today two new sections have been open: "News archive" and "Society column archive". You can acquaint yourselves with stages of portal development and read about past events by the words of visitors in this section. Some sections are also modified and mistakes connected with entrance in "Tavern" are corrected. And in section of our off-line tourney "HeroesLands" terms of current duels are prolonged

The section of maps has been replenished

A new and interesting campaign for H4-WW-C - Master_of_rings_a_brotherhood_of_a_ring has been added. The following maps have been added to the section H4-WW-M Mards Great Eye, Mards War At Sea, to the section H4-WW-S Mards Duel of The Cruelty, Mards Four Lords Gambit, Mards River Fork, Mards Three Kings Outbust, Mards Tods Farm. These maps are very interesting for a net duel game and all of them are made by a Polish author HardMard. The map Philosophers Stone from Arvin for H4-WW-S has been also added. The map Crusaders vs Dark Force is good for a classic game H3-RE-L. The map is interesting by its subject as you can meet its heroes in our Tavern and they play in our off-line tourney. And among other today's maps you can find the map Silent Hill for H3-SD-L from Assassin. All these maps can be found in the section New maps

New maps have been added

Today we have added new maps again: Amaranth Soul Shift (H3AB-M), Sander (H3AB-XL), Avidity, Avidity2, Neighbors v2.1 (H3SD-S). Look for them in the section New maps

The section "Portal map" has been opened

Many Portal visitors often ask Administrators about future of the Portal and give pieces of advise on its construction. Trust us, we like such attention to the project but, unfortunately,  we can't make all at once. We are trying with all our might and we hope there will not be soon links to the section "in elaboration" here. But now you can acquaint yourselves with the common conception of the portal and get accustomed to the portal navigation. As usual, we wait your proposals and remarks in the "Tavern"

New maps have been added

We have put the map  World war III (H3SD-XL) today in honour of the end of the Second World War, thanks to sir Anklav. We have also added the following maps After the Flood (H4-M) In searches Graal, Flight a dragonfly, (H3SD-M), Paladins of might and magic, Wild Thing (H4GS-L), Pobeg_iz_Acseota, Save_the_vampire (H4GS-M), Elven circle, The queen Destiny and philosophical trap (H4GS-S), Blood_island, Corona, Rivers End, Sunken Empires (H4GS-XL) and a campaign to GS - Zlo_lushka_ili_upoynaya_sila. The section "New maps" will facilitated search of these maps on our Portal

New maps have been added

Today we have added new maps of almost all versions of the game: djekil_map (H2-H2-XL), Choose_Path (H3AB-M), BIP_Budunia in War (H3SD-L), Covetousness, Death all (H3SD-M), Lair of Genterius (H3SD-S), CheckYourLuck 12 (H3SD-XL), Antarktida, Blood Islands (H3WG-L), Gelu vs Drakon, Labirint (H3WG-M), Short Battle (H3WG-S), The World is Not Enophe, WaterWorld (H3WG-XL), The people Griffon (H4GS-M), First trip (H4-S), Association of the barbarians (H4GS-S).
Look for these maps in the section "New maps"