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Tourney news archive

First league arena tournament

Hereby I would like to invite everyone to the first league arena tournament organized by LH in the new scene. All games will take place at 3 maps arena type:
Arena Konwentowa 2.2;
Arena Standard 1.0;
Tourney II.

Please hurry up with registration because the number of seats is limited to 32, and the time to complete registration expires on 29.04.2012.
Top 4 of the tournament will receive prizes:

Champion - 200 points to Normal mode
Runner-up - 175 points to Normal mode
Semi-finalists - 150 points to Normal mode

Read - Killing The Dragon I Regulations and sign up.

We wish you a successful struggle and new impressions!

summer tournament is opened...

Dear habitants of Portal of Heroes. From June, 1, 2008 a summer tournament is opened on Heroes of Might and Magic - 4. All players of on-line of Heroic Earths ask to be written down in a tournament to the address of Participants without depending on a rank and busy place will be recipients of an award gifts or monetary prizes in domestic currency. Hurry....a tournament is in a height!!

ONLINE HoMM3 "Threesome Tourney" HAVE STARTED!!!

The tourney start have been announced here, results of the draw are here. Good luck and have fun everyone!

Top match table finalists

Sir gorbunaak and Sir vitalic have advanced to the final of the charitable tourney with $1000 prize money. We are eagerly awaiting the results of the bottom match table and the FINAL!!!
Semifinal match reports may be found here, and the whole match tables here.

HoMM IV Summer Online Tourney

Today we start our HoMM IV Summer Online Tourney. Please sign up to play in it.

Mini-duels are back in the Heroes Lands V

The regular online duels tourney will be held again. To participate, you should only post your information in the corresponding topic: nickname, ICQ UIN, comfortable playing time etc.
As always, participants will be rewarded with prizes and online feuds. Enjoy.

Spring HoMM II online tourney

A new HoMM 2 online tourney has begun! Here is the theme of the tourney.

A new Citadel of Heroes tourney is open

A new Citadel of Heroes tourney is open.

News about online tourney in HMM2 Gold Engl.

As you know the online tourney in version HMM2 Gold Engl. started on 12.20.05. The tourney finishes in two weeks. 7 games have been played and now the results are:
1) Sir Crag Hack/ 3
2) Sir Incubus/2 1/3
3) Sir bodya/ 1 1/3
4-5) Sir Kama/ 1
4-5) Sir Lovelass/ 1
6-7) Sir Xedin/ 1/3
6-7) Sir MrNobody/ 1/3

The online tourney has begun. Current tourney master is sir Maximix.

Tourney version: HMM2 Gold English
Participants list:
1)Sir Roke Alva
2)Sir Amstrong
3)Sir RedDragon
4)Sir kleo
5)Sir Crag Hack
6)Sir Lovelass
7)Sir Xedin
8)Sir Kama
9)Sir MrNobody
You may also join the tourney by writing in this topic and specifying:
1) Your nickname
2) Comfortable time for playing
3) ICQ number (desirable)
The details about the rules may be also found there, or you may ask someone privately if you need translation from the Russian version of the topic.



Online tourney's