The Translators’ Guild is open!

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The Translators’ Guild is open!

Once upon a time a brave knight named Sigizmund decided to seek in marriage with the most handsome girl in Universe - the English beauty Elline whom he saw during a festive occasion. But Sigizmund didn't know where the castle of the beautiful girl is located, having seen it only on the map created by a visiting saracene. And there was nobody to translate the names of regions and the pointers on the map from the overseas language. Sigizmund looked on the map again and again, but all he saw were letters absolutely unknown to him. Then he burst with refined oaths and began to curse his tutors because they haven't taught him any foreign languages! This valiant warrior in distress was going to get drunk and would probably achieve his goal unless he noticed an advertisement on the wall of the Tavern:

The Translators' Guild has been open!

We translate maps from Russian to English and vice versa.

Speak to Sir Grand Wizard or Sir Defender. Trade Table, theme: Translators' Guild

Sigizmund was happy - now the way to the heart of his gorgeous mistress was easily understandable for him.

And the saracen who created the map became well-known to the entire world: his map has been used by many other knights since then, because in those lands Elline wasn't the only beauty.

The Celestial Ark of Pandora specially for